Penis hotpot

I thought I was on topic. I seriously doubt the falluses were from elderly tigers that no longer had a use for them. The Chinese are notorious for their different values when it comes to animals, to us they can be viewed as extremely cruel and rightly so. For such a so called enlightened culture they often display gross ignorance, for example they painfully extract bile from bears for use in medicine and we already know that they think tiger penises are an aphrodisiac. I am sorry to say, I view them as barbarians for some of their food/medicine habits.

That said I do love Chinese food. :D
TheGreatGrrrr said:
Wasn't that a Prince Philip quote?

"If it has four legs and is not a chair, has wings and is not an aeroplane, or swims and is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it."

what the...
and here I thought my mate was original. Thanks for pointing out, I looked a fool.

Wonder why Prince Philip says Cantonese - when the more "adventurious" is those from Mainland?
AJUK said:
I thought I was on topic. I seriously doubt the falluses were from elderly tigers that no longer had a use for them. The Chinese are notorious for their different values when it comes to animals, to us they can be viewed as extremely cruel and rightly so. For such a so called enlightened culture they often display gross ignorance, for example they painfully extract bile from bears for use in medicine and we already know that they think tiger penises are an aphrodisiac. I am sorry to say, I view them as barbarians for some of their food/medicine habits.

That said I do love Chinese food. :D

haha irony or what? You hate the faeces but love the maggot. :p
Dr Jones said:
what the...
and here I thought my mate was original. Thanks for pointing out, I looked a fool.

Wonder why Prince Philip says Cantonese - when the more "adventurious" is those from Mainland?

Its an ancient saying...theres an old story in one of my korean language textbooks that says pretty much the same thing...the chinese will eat anything with 4 legs except a table etc.. :o
You think that bad, In Papua New Guinnea some tribes still eat each other and if you parents die while you are young you get branded as a witch then they eat you :eek:
Zip said:
You think that bad, In Papua New Guinnea some tribes still eat each other and if you parents die while you are young you get branded as a witch then they eat you :eek:
You don't get a lot of meat on a pygmy though. :p
The underground market in eating various parts of endangered species is huge over there and i gotta agree i'm in the "wtf do they have to kill endangered species just because X's penis or whatever part of the animal is said to do X or Y to a human if eaten"

prehaps if we cut of their ears, testicals ect and eat them in front of them they may feel different
This has to be the single most disgusting thread I have ever read in my life. I cannot believe a trip to the forums would be such an appetite killer. :eek:
S7yl3s said:
This has to be the single most disgusting thread I have ever read in my life. I cannot believe a trip to the forums would be such an appetite killer. :eek:

Oh go grow a pair :p

Dont foget to eat them
Spie said:
Anything without private-parts, bum-holes, feet and heads in. Oh a few organs too.

I know it's a cultural thing, but chicken-ass snacks can't taste as good as mini-cheddars.

Phew I always knew McDonalds burgers were not REAL food .... :p
ElRazur said:
Aint nothing wrong with what they are eating, just because we aint use to it means it is wrong or not palatable.

Killing a majestic Tiger which is endagered so some little chinese guy with a small dick can feel better is WRONG :mad:
Most of China is still a third world country and they have a lot of backward "dark age" beliefs and customs which encourages them to eat endangered species for the benefit of their pathetic superstitions.

Oh the Tiger died from old age my ass !!!! :mad:
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