Pentagon releases UFO footage

Gif of video -


The video looks fake to me so you are not missing much
To me it looks like a stationary balloon floating in a normal balloon floating manor being passed by a plane.
That's a funny balloon that moves under its own power, can stay as a static object floating despite strong winds and moves at an estimated 130 to 140 knots to overtake a plane and goes though the wake of the plane without harm which would tear a balloon to shreds. No ripples either which a balloon would have at those speeds. Lets not forget the most important fact according to the pilots helium balloons don't fly that high, they cannot reach that altitude. At the time of writing this is the best example of a UFO we have and trying to write it off as a balloon doesn't cut it. As no one has managed to debunk is so far its more likely to be a real UFO then not. EDIT: You can also hear the sound wave from the UFO as it fly's by, Balloons don't fly fast enough to make sound wave like that.
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The video looks fake to me so you are not missing much
Isn't that based on a real incident that was logged and confirmed by the military? I seem to recall that video was not so much a fake as a reconstruction of the official event where a UFO object disabled 10 missiles on a military base and it happened at other bases as well 100miles apart. Although I am sure some of the crazy posters in here will find a way to blame it on a balloon :)
Not sure even event that video is from as there are a number of reports from different military bases thought-out the years of UFO's disabling nukes and missiles.
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A video posted online showing some sort of *thing* fly past the window of a plane, somewhere in Mexico (I think?) and that's it! anti-gravity confirmed! :cry:

However I think what's even more interesting, is how the video first appeared on a twitter account dealing with Crypto and NFTs and was tagging the usual suspects for Aliens (Jeremy Corbell) which should make the alarm bell ring so loudly it falls off the wall.

Why would a retweet account, (@OgOgcrypto) which never really tweets anything, other than stuff to do with Crypto, NFTs, Cannabis and Mcdonalds - suddenly tweet a video of an apparent UFO, with no supporting information or background whatsoever.??

Furthermore - the moment it appears, it's instantly tagging known UFO foamers right off the bat..

I mean, it's not hard to see what's going on here... :confused:
Do you have any evidence for any of that at it feels like you are trying to create fake narrative to discredit the video. From what I can tell it wasn't instantly picked up on taking almost a year, it took a long time as it wasnt in English or posted on English areas. Aliens (Jeremy Corbell) nor any other UFO formers where tagged right of the bat into the original posts from what I have seen. Since when did this come from or have anything to do with @OgOgcrypto? Lastly there is supporting information and background via interviews with the people involved as the links show. Everyone on the plane confirms the same story. The video has been analysed and shows no signs of being fake, CGI or edited. If you have evidence showing otherwise please share as I have not seen it and please don't try and explain it away with the balloon nonsense some people are trying. The one thing it very clearly is not is a balloon.
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That's a funny balloon that moves under its own power, can stay as a static object floating despite strong winds and moves at an estimated 130 to 140 knots to overtake a plane and goes though the wake of the plane without harm which would tear a balloon to shreds. No ripples either which a balloon would have at those speeds. Lets not forget the most important fact according to the pilots helium balloons don't fly that high, they cannot reach that altitude. At the time of writing this is the best example of a UFO we have and trying to write it off as a balloon doesn't cut it. As no one has managed to debunk is so far its more likely to be a real UFO then not. EDIT: You can also hear the sound wave from the UFO as it fly's by, Balloons don't fly fast enough to make sound wave like that.
Just to confirm. We're talking about this footage?

What was the plane number and the date they flew? We can google the plane path and see how many passes it made before the got the perfect "break the ufo internet" shot :)

Toy balloons burst at around 10km, while professional meteorological balloons reach heights of 30km.

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Just to confirm. We're talking about this footage?

What was the plane number and the date they flew? We can google the plane path and see how many passes it made before the got the perfect "break the ufo internet" shot :)

Yes that's the footage the one that is clearly not a balloon even you link shows it cannot be a balloon. Date I believe was May 12th in 2022 though I have not been able to find the flight number. Video is taken between Medellín and Santa Fe on approach to Medellin.

EDIT The date I posted was off by 2 weeks. Corrected. All the balloon hypothesis are completely deflated yet so many people default to its just a balloon when its clearly not.
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I think you’ve got confused and are talking about a different video.
Thought you are talking about "A video posted online showing some sort of *thing* fly past the window of a plane, somewhere in Mexico (I think?)" after this video was posted of a thing flying past a window near Mexico is that not what we are talking about along with myself and Keyser? If not sorry I misunderstood.
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Recently there was a UAP recording by a small plane pilot, it is probably the clearest and closest flyby from a UAP to date, rather compelling TBH, USAF black project or something else.... Ooh err.

Slowed down frame by frame by someone on reddit:

Also, notice the striking shape resemblance to the gimbal UAP?

To me, it just doesn’t look real.

The motion clarity of the object relative to the rest of the video gives it a fake look
To me, it just doesn’t look real.

The motion clarity of the object relative to the rest of the video gives it a fake look
Sometimes it feels like
  • Person A posts UFO video
  • The disbelievers: why are all videos and photos blurred that's fake.
  • Person A posts modern clear UFO video.
  • The disbelievers: that's too clear its all fake.
(I know its not the same people saying its blurred as saying its too clear, its just how it feels)

On a more serious note modern phones, not even modern phones anything from the past few generations all have AI and automatic zone targeting for focusing and clarity on what the phone detects as the main object. At that close range the phone will pickup the UFO as the main target with focus and improved clarity compared to the elements in the background/outside the targeted zones. Personally I find that video to be just what I expected for a modern ish phone in a plane though a window. What really sells it to me though is the sound its near impossible to fake that sound wave and get it that perfect combined with the movement. Its been 100% ruled out as a balloon so that leaves us with the worlds best fake with no one being able to find any evidence of CGI/editing or its a real UFO which doesn't automagical mean Alien it could be a prototype militry drone of some sort perhaps.
is that not what we are talking about along with myself and Keyser? If not sorry I misunderstood.

Can you link the original first post/tweet/link that this video appeared in, on the internet - the actual original source poster please.
I missed that :)
12,500 feet at -5c is well past the point balloons survive without going pop. At one point it was static floating at a specific point and then moves at an estimated 186mph. You can hear the sound wave the object produces as is pass’s the plane. Balloons don’t move fast enough to create sound waves that the people on the plane reported hearing and we hear in the video. The object goes though the wake of the plane. No balloon can survive going though a plane wake without being massively blown around and destroyed. There are other indications it not a balloon but I think these are enough to rule out it being a balloon.
12,500 feet at -5c is well past the point balloons survive without going pop.

Most of the results say 9 or 10 kilometres, that's about 29,000 feet.

I'm no balloon expert, but I have seen balloons float around in the air and thats what it looks like to me.

The plane is moving forwards at [picks a like plane at random]

310.71 mph max, more like 70% of that? 220mph

Hey! That's not far off the speed you said the UFO was moving towards the plane?

At least we've on from drawing balls on radar maps.
Can you link the original first post/tweet/link that this video appeared in, on the internet - the actual original source poster please.
It looks like the the plane was piloted by Jorge A. Arteaga who recorded the video and passed it onto the passager Valentina Rueda Velez who uploaded it to her Instragram account for her followers. While Jorge A. Arteaga the pilot shared it via twitter. If you rewatch OGCRYPTO post it is a screen capture from Instragram of Valentina Rueda Velez account also known as @Valentinarueda.v. The video was 100% floating around on Instagram before it made its way onto Twitter.

Most of the results say 9 or 10 kilometres, that's about 29,000 feet.

I'm no balloon expert, but I have seen balloons float around in the air and thats what it looks like to me.

The plane is moving forwards at [picks a like plane at random]

310.71 mph max, more like 70% of that? 220mph

Hey! That's not far off the speed you said the UFO was moving towards the plane?

At least we've on from drawing balls on radar maps.
I am not a balloon expert either, I am going on what the pilot said and my understanding is it not just the height but the air temperature as well that plays a role. The pilot says you don't see balloons at that height, location and air temperature.

If it was a balloon how do you explain the sound wave it creates as it fly’s by the plane? Balloons don’t move remotely fast enough to create soundwaves yet there is a distant sound wave generated by the speed the object is moving. How do you explain the balloon going though the plane wake and not being affected or destroyed by the wake? No balloon can survive untouched going though a plane wake at that speed. If it helps the plane in question was a Cessna T303 Crusader and what do you mean moved on from balls on radar maps?

Balloons doesn't match what the people on the plane say they witnessed or what we can see and hear in the video. In the interview the people on board say they could hear the object from the sound it was making and you can hear the object in the video. Since when can you hear balloons doing flybys?
It looks like the the plane was piloted by Jorge A. Arteaga who recorded the video and passed it onto the passager Valentina Rueda Velez who uploaded it to her Instragram account for her followers. While Jorge A. Arteaga the pilot shared it via twitter. If you rewatch OGCRYPTO post it is a screen capture from Instragram of Valentina Rueda Velez account also known as @Valentinarueda.v. The video was 100% floating around on Instagram before it made its way onto Twitter.

If the model says it happens on April 4th (as she did in the interview with the media, and is the same date it appeared on the crypto site and apparently her instagram)

Why does the YouTuber Astrum have a thumbnail of what appears to be a picture of the exact same object, on March 17th, for his video about flying saucers?
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