Pentagon releases UFO footage

I remember in a Bob Lazar documentary when he talked about taking a group of people out to a place near area 51 to see ufo lights.

He said the US Government had UFO's and they were trying to backward engineer them, as well as trying to fly them. The lights the people saw when he took them out were manned UFO's flying with US pilots.

These drones could be them flexing at Russia and China.

I remember when Stealth technology was revealed they had been testing it for decades, and some UFO sightings were sightings of the US testing it.
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Whole thing is just silly.

What looks to me to be manned aircraft, - it's just been blown out of proportion completely, by people who don't know what they're looking at, or what they're talking about.

Reminds me of that Gatwick silliness from a few years back, hysteria over nothing.
Americans are looking extra stupid with all this.

It is also the perfect way to sow more distrust in their government. The more mental people start banging on about UFOs and how the government are secretly testing aircraft, the more the will go full anti establishment.

Tin foil hats galore.
Cartel drug smugglers got drones now I reckon
drones aren't battery efficient and don't have very long flight times.

also lifting their own weight more than half the flight time

You think ther drog lords are using 2kd drones to haul 2kg of coke at a time? and the drone probably has what a 20mile range max

They;d need thousands and thousands of them

sounds like they have better methods anyway

artels were forced to stockpile mass quantities of cocaine early in the pandemic when flights were suddenly grounded and road traffic heavily policed, but they quickly devised new ways of operating.

Major drug busts revealed cocaine to be cleverly concealed inside avocados, face masks and even crates full of squid on cargo ships.

In the most sophisticated of cases the drug was chemically broken down, mixed into liquids, waxes and fabrics so it could not be seen, and then extracted and transformed back into a powder at its destination.

I bet 99% of these drones are planes with landing lights or helicopters, one of the supposed crash videos were just a helicopter landing, there's reddit places etc dedicated to debunking them

The people posting the videos likely know exactly what they are filming but do it for the clicks.
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I could kind of believe moron citizens mistaking aircraft for drones but it's a different kettle of fish when state officials are saying it's definitely a thing that is happening and people aren't mistaken when it's law enforcement, coast guard & military reporting these sightings while on duty

The main mystery for me is the way governments are acting very passive about unidentified craft, whether friendly or not.

If it was joe bloggs flying a long range drone over military bases the law would be all over him immediately.

This passive attitude happened with the Chinese balloons a few years back.
The main mystery for me is the way governments are acting very passive about unidentified craft, whether friendly or not.

If it was joe bloggs flying a long range drone over military bases the law would be all over him immediately.

This passive attitude happened with the Chinese balloons a few years back.

What kind of government response would you like right now?
What kind of government response would you like right now?
I don't know but perhaps a sensible approach would be to temporarily restrict the flying of drones with a ban and see what happens then? This would pave the way for a more stringent reaction later.
I could kind of believe moron citizens mistaking aircraft for drones but it's a different kettle of fish when state officials are saying it's definitely a thing that is happening and people aren't mistaken when it's law enforcement, coast guard & military reporting these sightings while on duty
there's a video of some cops with a drone and the stuff they come out with .... they are dumb too.

also everyone thinks those flight radar websites are real radars that show every plane and heli.... FACEPALM

some of the highest people in power seem to be some of the most retarded.

I'm going to laugh my ass off when someones private jet gets shot out of the sky
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there's a video of some cops with a drone and the stuff they come out with .... they are dumb too.

also everyone thinks those flight radar websites are real radars that show every plane and heli.... FACEPALM

some of the highest people in power seem to be some of the most retarded
Is this the one where they say they could not detect a heat signature and the alleged drone evaded detection? I think there were a number of mayors, a governor and at least one senator who said this also.
Is this the one where they say they could not detect a heat signature and the alleged drone evaded detection?
yea they aren't the smartest bunch.

Came across as some weekend warriors getting a drone out after a few beers.

daily mail has a video of someone shooting at one..., someone's going to end up putting a hole in an airplane that's not broadcasting so flight radar can see it
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One credible theory for the drone incident that shut Gatwick airport for days a few years ago is that apart from the very first sighting of a drone (of a common commercial type), the remainder of the sightings were just hysteria borne out of an over abundance of caution. Possibly a parallel with what's going on here.
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People have started looking up more and are seeing stuff that they didn't know existed. I imagine if you go to some wide open places in America with little light pollution you see satellites orbiting constantly and planes flying allover.

If its foreign threats trying to intimidate or whatever then it's certainly working on Americans. If you see comments on YouTube (maybe bots), they are more angry with their own government services than they are with potential bad guys.

If America ever collapses it will be from the inside.

"It is important to be intensely skeptical of things that confirm your beliefs, and to look for clean, independent ways to verify them."

So if you see a video of something in the night sky and it's got those characteristic lights on it I think you can say with fair certainly it's a plane.

It's doesn't matter what people say they saw (terrible data) what you can only say for sure if what evidence we have and so far that's videos with some flashing lights in it.
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"It is important to be intensely skeptical of things that confirm your beliefs, and to look for clean, independent ways to verify them."

So if you see a video of something in the night sky and it's got those characteristic lights on it I think you can say with fair certainly it's a plane.

It's doesn't matter what people say they saw (terrible data) what you can only say for sure if what evidence we have and so far that's videos with some flashing lights in it.

The guy in that ******* feed said it was silent and 200 feet above him?
People have started looking up more and are seeing stuff that they didn't know existed. I imagine if you go to some wide open places in America with little light pollution you see satellites orbiting constantly and planes flying allover.

Decades ago I remember a programme about UFO sightings and witnesses saying "It's like nothing I've ever seen before" and the Presenter said that's because you never normally look up.
We now have a problem in society where people don't even look straight and places like Japan are putting lights on the floor to guide pedestrians while they look at their phones.
New York airport had to close earlier due to drone activity - this isn’t some daft joke - it’s a real thing
I don't doubt due to recent media drone flap people are getting their drones out to take a look (or maybe to cause more hype?) a bit too close to local airports and causing a problem yes. It's a media feedback loop, there never was anything there in the first place, it's all planes.
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