Pentagon releases UFO footage

Last couple nights one drone reported to have gone down in some woods behind houses as spotted by multiple people and filmed. Police radio comms are live recorded of conversations saying as one went down and someone went to check, a further 10 appeared.... Police officer attending left the scene not long after because government agents turned up.

Yet still the USG at press confs state that there is no threat and is being grilled by the press as to wtf they are playing at which is fair game:

Looks like a plane crash and there was one in the area.

To be honest, imo, most of the videos look like planes and i wouldn't be surprised if there's plenty of the local numpties flying their own drones compounding the situation and adding to the hysteria from the public.
I just can't imagine America would happily allow adversaries to fly drones over their own backyard without taking some form of action, especially given they recently used an F22 and a $400k sidewinder to destroy a balloon.

You also have people posting this sort of thing and making out there's an alien invasion when it's just the radio station having a technical issue - this certainly wouldn't help the situation.

Normally it’s due to the angle of the sun reflecting off the satellite...
Yup, called 'flare' and as you say, it looks exactly like what is pictured in that video.
That 2nd one is pretty gnarly.
it looks like a bunch of balloons tied together that have deflated a lot on the journey.

meet the new aliens

no one really believes this is a ufo

it's a bunch of bags or something filled with helium, they look a lot like heart shaped balloons that have deflated....

it even looks like it's floating around in the wind, I should buy a couple of those £3 strobe LEDS from China people put on their DJI drones, some helium and a few balloons, create my own UFO.
might even look like it's flying as it catches the hot air currents
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it looks like a bunch of balloons tied together that have deflated a lot on the journey.

meet the new aliens

no one really believes this is a ufo

it's a bunch of bags or something filled with helium, they look a lot like heart shaped balloons that have deflated....

it even looks like it's floating around in the wind
Thats EXACTLY what those cunning aliens want you to think it is ! :)
Underwater UAP bases off the coast of California?
"Definitely not a rock slide" Tim Nice But Dim exclaimed
you can clearly see where the rocks came loose.... and even the path they slide across.... how can anyone give this crap the time of day? I never felt smart at school, but with age I'm becoming the smartest person in the room... every generation really gets more dense... they said the same thing about my gen and it must have been true

looks like a collection of UAVs, can I get a few mil of government funding to check it out?

Wouldn't they built a base into the edge of an undersea cliff/mountain anyway?
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The drones have
Last couple nights one drone reported to have gone down in some woods behind houses as spotted by multiple people and filmed. Police radio comms are live recorded of conversations saying as one went down and someone went to check, a further 10 appeared.... Police officer attending left the scene not long after because government agents turned up.

Yet still the USG at press confs state that there is no threat and is being grilled by the press as to wtf they are playing at which is fair game:

You can buy and build something that will autonomously harass air bases, from Hobbyking or AliExpress. I've been in the hobby since harvesting Wii remotes for accelerometers, it's amazing that so few incidents have come up
I think building a drone and building a drone with the capability to avoid detection etc are probably two different things. The ones harassing New Jersey, Lakenheath and now Ramstein and BASF chemicals in |Germany, are quoted as having the ability to go dark. It was also mentioned the attempts to capture and neutralise the ones over the joint American UK bases failed using anti drone technology.
Why isn't someone trying to grab these mysterious drones?

I suspect they are either Chinese or Russian. Because we saw how the US acted with the Chinese weather balloons. They sat watching them.
They are trying but failed. It's that bad the FBI asked John and Jerry Tedesco (engineers investigating anomalous objects) to assist. I think I heard it mentioned they had recently submitted a scientific paper to do with UAP's displaying some of the characteristics that they do (i.e., the five observables).
Ocean County Area Sherriff Office, witness, verify and attempt to track one of the drones using a commercial grade drone of their own. Gets a little bit more interesting around the two minute and four seconds mark:
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Ocean County Area Sherriff Office, witness, verify and attempt to track one of the drones using a commercial grade drone of their own. Gets a little bit more interesting around the two minute and four seconds mark:
definitely not a plane just has the outline of one... and the same flashing lights, no doubt its visible on flight radar too...

how many of these sightings are from people who spent most of their times indoor and never looked at the sky before?
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definitely not a plane just has the outline of one... and the same flashing lights

how many of these sightings are from people who spent most of their times indoor and never looked at the sky before?
I wouldn't know specifically. I dare say quite a few.
Check this out

but then check this out....

The people posting this crap must bve misleading the internet on purpose or have the IQ of a slug

TLDR its just a plane covered in landing lights....

someone should start sterilising these people before it's too late, the gene pool doesn't need them
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Check this out

but then check this out....

The people posting this crap must bve misleading the internet on purpose or have the IQ of a slug

TLDR its just a plane covered in landing lights....

someone should start sterilising these people before it's too late, the gene pool doesn't need them
Crazy world. I'd be more inclined to think the drones were the work of an adversary until the evidence suggested otherwise. That being said, I dare say plenty of people living in the area are probably quite scared. I read that a similar event occurred in 2020 and no answers were given then. The picitanny arsenal also supplied armanents to Ukraine.
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