Let’s recap
You asked for evidence on why I think Micks conclusion was built on false data.
I gave you
a long explanation
a short explanation
a twitter link with videos
a tweeter link with other people saying the same as myself backed up with there evidence
a scientific paper with citations
a short video
a longer YouTube video with a militry export explaining in simple terms
a quote from the militry expert so you didn’t have to watch the entire thing.
And more
Everyone else has enough critical thinking skills to following my chain of evidence.
Its really simple. Micks conclusion was built on a false or if you prefer incorrect idea of how the FLIR/Gimble system works. The evidence shows the real life way the system works is opposite to how Micks test works. This invalidates his tests which in turn invalidates his conclusion built on those test. Ergo Micks conclusion is built on false data.
If you generally see all that as illiterate alphabet soup that reads like a rambling of a drugged horse. Then its clear the problem is on your side, not my side. No one else is having problems following the reasoning I posted here. They might not agree with my opinion but they understand.
'Now i am no expert....." - now there's a load off my mind!....
Let's have it right:
Not long back, you and a bunch of other people were saying how we had to believe the pilots, because they're so highly ranked, and so highly trained - what they see and describe MUST be correct, and anybody daring to question them is an idiot, or has no place to do so, or whatever.
Now we get a highly trained helicopter pilot who says he dropped off men next to an alien egg or whatever, from 150 feet away - and now you are trying to change his story for him, by saying that (despite admitting being no expert) that because he had PTSD, he likely made a mistake, that his account is wrong and this highly trained pilot - is all wrong and is suddenly completely incompetent and is misidentifying things as aliens.
One one hand - you're saying that this new Jake Barber guy is a real helicopter pilot, involved with these crash retrieval programs - then on the other hand, you're saying that he's a complete idiot and doesn't know what he's doing!
This is one of those classic examples where you make up a fantasy story in your head and start believing it happened. Only back to the real world that never happened. I never said and did those things. I also never called or implied Jake was a complete idiot. He is not and he certainty knows how to do his job as it takes a very high skill level to do what he was doing.
There is this "little thing" called critical thinking and corroborating evidence. There is a major difference between the solo pilot Jake Barber which has all the problems I stated before and say the Nimtz event that has a ton of corroborating evidence with multiple pilots. As for trying to change Jakes story for him. No, I am not changing his story. I am giving my opinion on why I don’t think he is a scammer or a fraud.
Despite your lies. I have always been happy for healthy scepticism and evidence-based debunking and have never said we have to blindly 100% believe every single pilot. Which brings me onto a common theme, its apparently fine for you to spread lies about people, call them fraud, scammers, you lie about them being discredited. You never have to provide evidence as its just your opinion. But if I give an opinion backed up by valid reasoning you go on a mad rant like the past few days and demand evidence.
Why is it every time I say something is not an alien or not a UFO is seems to trigger you? You seem to have some sort of problem with me saying Jake is wrong and its not a alien UFO. OK then, your not happy with me saying its not an Alien UFO. What's your explanation?