Pentagon releases UFO footage

It's stupid.

By cherry picking the first part - but disagreeing with the other part, simply makes it look like a very poor story, from a very poor, incompetent and unreliable witness, or the witness is lying outright.

If it was a solid account from a solid witness the story would make sense and add up as a whole, and you wouldn't need to cherry pick the bits you like, because the whole account would add up.
Its not stupid too anyone with basic reading comprehension skills.

Do you realise I just spent 3 pages saying my opinion is the alien part of the story is poor and doesn’t convince me about aliens and that I think the pilot is wrong as he is an unreliable witness for the reasons I stated.

Not only that, but every single time I explained why I think the pilot is wrong making him an unreliable witness you challenged me and disagreed with me. Perhaps you could stop flip flopping and make up your mind. Either I am right and the pilot is wrong or the pilot is right and I am wrong. You cannot have it both ways that we are both wrong.

As for cherry picking that’s just a stupid thing to say. I am not cherry picking the bits I liked. I am fact checking. After looking at the evidence and fact checking, I am saying the first part checks out and is real. The 2nd part doesn’t check out and has flaws that I pointed out and a simple alternative explanation which I pointed out. That is not cherry picking that is critical thinking.

Since the start I have been saying it’s not an alien meaning its not a solid account and not a solid witness. You’re the one that has been arguing against that and challenging me every time I said the pilot is not reliable.

Yes, the account doesn’t add up, I have been saying that since the start hence why I disagree with the 2nd part. The first part adds up, the 2nd part doesn't add up. Somehow that is a giant mystery to you.

You cannot have it both ways. You cannot complain I am dismissing the alien part as not real and say its not an alien while also saying I am wrong in calling it not reliable and not a solid story.

In short unless more evidence comes out I think the pilot is wrong in what he thinks he picked up.
Release the egg!

I don't believe your alien story one bit based on current evidence. Given the environmental conditions its more likely the pilot is mistaken.

So it's possible that sometimes we can rule out expert evidence? :)

How about we just still to actual evidence, like an egg rolling or UAP video, but when people flap their lips it's just that; meaningless words without substance.
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