Pentagon releases UFO footage

It isn't often Ancient Aliens has me on the fence but this weeks was about DNA.
If we take all the other nonsense out of the episode two facts remained:
Darwin couldn't really explain where man came from so came up with the missing link.
Francis Crick (who co-discovered the structure of DNA with James Watson) once proposed that life on Earth was the result of a deliberate infection because it was too complex, it was designed by aliens who had purposely fled mother nature’s seed to a new home in the sun.

Now I fully expect to be shot down in flames so I don't ponder on it too long.
It isn't often Ancient Aliens has me on the fence but this weeks was about DNA.
If we take all the other nonsense out of the episode two facts remained:
Darwin couldn't really explain where man came from so came up with the missing link.
Francis Crick (who co-discovered the structure of DNA with James Watson) once proposed that life on Earth was the result of a deliberate infection because it was too complex, it was designed by aliens who had purposely fled mother nature’s seed to a new home in the sun.

Now I fully expect to be shot down in flames so I don't ponder on it too long.

ah the “passing the buck” theory.
It isn't often Ancient Aliens has me on the fence but this weeks was about DNA.
If we take all the other nonsense out of the episode two facts remained:
Darwin couldn't really explain where man came from so came up with the missing link.
Francis Crick (who co-discovered the structure of DNA with James Watson) once proposed that life on Earth was the result of a deliberate infection because it was too complex, it was designed by aliens who had purposely fled mother nature’s seed to a new home in the sun.

Now I fully expect to be shot down in flames so I don't ponder on it too long.

I don't think the so-call 'missing link' is a scientific thing, more a religious invention get out of jail free card. Science is not a case of 'he doesn't have all the answers so the answer is... jam!'
It isn't often Ancient Aliens has me on the fence but this weeks was about DNA.
If we take all the other nonsense out of the episode two facts remained:
Darwin couldn't really explain where man came from so came up with the missing link.

Nobody is claiming that Darwin had a perfect and complete understanding of the entire history of life on Earth, so the fact that he sometimes casually used a pre-existing (he didn't come up with it) and non-scientific term isn't evidence of anything much, let alone that all life on Earth was created by aliens.

Francis Crick (who co-discovered the structure of DNA with James Watson) once proposed that life on Earth was the result of a deliberate infection because it was too complex, it was designed by aliens who had purposely fled mother nature’s seed to a new home in the sun. [..]

Did he claim that was the known truth or was he just proposing a hypothesis? I'll have a quick search...

As I suspected, it's the latter. I doubt if Ancient Aliens framed it that way.

Crick and Orgel wrote these words in their summary of their paper on their hypothesis that life on Earth was deliberately brought to Earth by aliens:

"We conclude that it is possible that life reached the earth in this way, but that the scientific evidence is inadequate at the present time to say anything about the probability."

I didn't find anything about Crick saying anything about "aliens who had purposely fled mother nature’s seed to a new home in the sun." I think Ancient Aliens just made that part up. 2+2 = eleventy billion is part of their MO.

The whole idea of panspermia is just moving the question anyway. "It started somewhere else" doesn't actually answer the question "How did life start?"
When I first saw Ancient Aliens, it intrigued me, but simple watching some of the debunking videos that showed the obvious lies and purposefully dishonest framing and interpretations of their sources, you know 100% of what they are peddling is complete cobblers.
When I first saw Ancient Aliens, it intrigued me, but simple watching some of the debunking videos that showed the obvious lies and purposefully dishonest framing and interpretations of their sources, you know 100% of what they are peddling is complete cobblers.

100%, I do a lot of shouting at it, you don't need to see debunking videos because anybody with a brain cell can see they're cobblers.
I watch it because I have an 'interest' in all this stuff from the early 70s and 'I want to believe' but so far zilch.
I thought the DNA bit was interesting without all the Alien cobblers.
Here's something I never intended to post, for rear of being ridiculed

Now I'm not saying it's could be anything, but I know what I saw. Few days ago I stepped out into the garden and just looked up to see what looked like the tictac ufo flying across, then suddenly zoomed off. Proper warp speed stuff.

The purpose of this video, isn't to show a's more to demonstrate what modern technology can (or in this case can't) do.

Phone was a oneplus 8T.

This is why most ufo videos are poor quality.
I don't know how you saw it zoom off at warp speed because it flew behind a building!!

because I was looking at it through the phone screen, lost it, looked up and saw it do its thing

showing any kind of proof is almost impossible. Unless it lands on the ground, and you are standing within 50m of the thing, good luck :D
When I first saw Ancient Aliens, it intrigued me, but simple watching some of the debunking videos that showed the obvious lies and purposefully dishonest framing and interpretations of their sources, you know 100% of what they are peddling is complete cobblers.
its good for entertainment and getting people interested in aliens/ufos/the universe though
Any chance of hosting elsewhere? Get a 404 here :(

Mmmm, should be working

It's a very pixelated video showing a small silver dot flying from right to left. You can't make anything out, it's about as bad as it gets.....and that's using a modern phone.

One of the reasons I posted it was after I saw it, I started doing some research and came across two things. The first was a recent facebook post on our towns group saying something along the lines of..did anyone else see that thing in the sky

and then this....which was a few years ago

We do live near an RAF base which is famous for cutting edge drone technology. Maybe it was a drone, they can suddenly change direction and zoom off can't they.
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