People leaving their "mess" behind

20 Jun 2009
You want an anecdote? I have an anecdote.

I once worked for a large yellow and green logo'd supermarket chain whose name rhymes with Norrisons.

I was a checkout operator, so really nothing to do with cleaning or upkeep of the premises. However one fine day, both cleaners were sick. And the checkout manager mentioned to me as I neared the end of my 8 hour punishment that there was 'a problem' with customer's disabled toilets, and would I kindly 'take a look?'. Keen to please management in my naive fresh-out-of-university youth, I replied 'no problem.'

'Great!' said she. And promptly handed me a knife. 'You'll need this'.

A confused me made my way to the toilets, heaving the large door of the disabled throne room to be met with a smell that's best left undescribed. But the hell that followed was far worse.

Upon peeking over the porcelain rim, I was greeted by what I truly believe to this day to be a world record holder in terms of both girth and length. The knife's use very quickly became apparent to me.

When I hear personal stories of WW1 shell-shock, accounts of atrocities committed in Vietnam, or read diary extracts from long-term torture victims, I now feel I have a shared sense of violation with the writers. Only my violation comes in the form of having to literally chop up a 2 turd with a kitchen knife while masquerading as a checkout boy. I still remember the feeling and texture of sawing it into pieces, and since have not been able to look a Christmas yule log in the flesh, let alone slice it up.

Oh, the humanity!

21 Oct 2011
That's actually quite a skill they have :D

Yeah. There was a guy who used to do similar at a warehouse I used to work at (T.H.E. in Chesterton). He had two styles, and I suppose the depended on what sort of debauchery he'd got up to the previous night, one was neatly piping one out onto the seat and the other was pebble dashing the entire cubicle with what looked like lumpy hot chocolate.
3 Aug 2012
Second Star to the Right
It's very simple. People of this generation are filthy, disgusting, inconsiderate, lazy *******. Not only do they not flush, they can't even be bothered to wash their hands half the time. They're all too busy staring at their phones (before, during and after) to care.

So next time you open the door from the work/pub/any other public facility, just think of the person who was there before you. You may want to start wearing antibacterial gloves ...
1 Nov 2005
Christ allmighty, when will this "mental health" crap end?
More likely some idiot did it on purpose to make the next visitor cringe? you know, like a prank, maybe?

No, no, they must have mental health issues!! (lol)

Being a victim of abuse as a child isn't really a mental health issue though is it :p
10 Sep 2009
It’s caused by

1: a weak flush...

...meaning the following is an issue

2: lack of a toilet brush
3: lack of a plunger

Weak flush is the worst thing ever. If you only go once every 2 days and you need a strong flush to see it off, but all it gives is a trickle, you’re stuffed . You’re going to leave it aren’t you? Unless you have the plunger and brush as above. Maybe a coat hook to break things up a bit!
23 Apr 2014

I’ve already addressed those points though, as whenever I’ve encountered it and pressed the flush button it’s went away just fine. In some cases when the paper is dry it’s a pretty good sign they haven’t even attempted to give it a go. Going off other posts here it really does seem like some people really are that lazy or get a buzz out of it.
29 Jan 2008
Once walked into a portapotty at a festival where the previous occupant had piped a poo around the seat like they were icing a cake rather than into the bowl.

You get some particularly stupid Asian and Middle Eastern people who do this. Yes they might be used to squatting to use the loo, but the ones who stand on the seat to squat are just completely ********
19 Dec 2016
^ huh?

as another angle, quite often this occurs at our workplace simply because of the shocking regularity that the flushers stop working. quite why you'd go and try and build a **** pyramid on top of mess that's already there though is beyond me. like people who sit for hours silently in a cubicle, i guess they just enjoy breathing in other people's faecal matter.
i would rather they did that then spoil another toilet..
2 Aug 2012
Only once in my entire life have i been confronted with a toilet i couldn't dream of using and that was a "Locals only" toilet on a South African Oil rig.

What is wrong with the places you people inhabit? :p

Had this discussion before.

My Parents visited Joburg in the 70's (They had also had previous African experience in the 50's, so knew what the deal was!)

My Mum was "Caught Short" and admits that she was never more relived in her life to find a facility with a "Whites Only" sign on the door.

Seriously though. People who have no knowledge assume it was "Only" about "Racism"

Now sure, racism was certainly a major factor. (It was Joburg after all :p ) But there were also down to earth very practical reasons indeed why public Loos were segregated.

Africans didn't like using European type facilities and "Whites" couldn't cope with the African style ones at all (Unless they were French, for some reason the French quite happily used "Squat-Bogs" even in France through the 70's and even later)

This is still an issue in 21st century UK, Workplaces employing recent migrants (Particularly Muslim ones) will often find that the Loos end up with crap all over the toilet seats and poo-streaks in the hand wash basins.

Perhaps we need some segregated loos here too. It might well make everybody happier...
31 May 2005
It's very simple. People of this generation are filthy, disgusting, inconsiderate, lazy *******. Not only do they not flush, they can't even be bothered to wash their hands half the time. They're all too busy staring at their phones (before, during and after) to care.

So next time you open the door from the work/pub/any other public facility, just think of the person who was there before you. You may want to start wearing antibacterial gloves ...

Nothing worse than been in pub toilets watching someone walk right after having a dump not washing their hands and grabbing the the handle on the exit door .Leaving me loitering in the toilets waiting from someone to push open the door from the other side so I can leave

Got to the stage now I make the wife take a small antibacterial hand gel out in her bag :)
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
I've posted about this on here before but when I worked in a call centre we had frequent bouts of it. The women's toilets were always worse - crap up the walls, on the floors, on the cubicle doors. They also were renowned for used feminine hygiene products being just about everywhere.
The bouts occurred whenever we had an influx of temps. These temps were largely Pakistani and Bangladeshi with others from the west end of Newcastle chucked in. What we also tended to have happen at those times was a spike in fraud where people's card details were being...misappropriated. Although that was kept hush hush.
It generally coincided with the appearance of signs in the toilet explaining how to use one properly. I'm not entirely convinced lack of knowledge was the problem.
21 Apr 2007
Not sure if I've just gotten unlucky with cubicle choices of late, but I've noticed an increased trend of walking in and being met with a delightful show of brown artistry left behind. This is mainly in hotel/meeting room toilets around the country, is it really that difficult to press the flush button or do people get some kind of kick out of this?

I do wonder whether some people do get a kick out of it....

Like guys who **** all over the toilet.
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