People stepping in front of you

I once saw a woman push her pram halfway out infront of a police car bombing it towards us down the street, lights flashing, sirens blaring. The sort of thing where everyone stops and waits for it to go, cars had pulled over etc. Everyone waiting to cross was just in shock at the stupidity/ignorance.

I find women with prams incredibly annoying, they make no effort to make space, just aim for you and expect you to move.. :o
I disagree as that becomes a really effective weapon against these numpties. When I am out with the grandchild I show no mercy and leave sore ankles and shins in my wake.

I find women with prams incredibly annoying, they make no effort to make space, just aim for you and expect you to move.. :o

Hey there! Have you guys met?

I cycle between 25 and 30 miles a day as my commute and I often get people commenting on how dangerous it must be because of all the cars, especially when I'm cycling in London. As people have said already it's not the cars it's other cyclists and pedestrians! I'd say over half the cyclist I see in London just ignore red lights regardless of the situation and the pedestrians all seem to be suicidal. It's definitely a phone zombie thing, people so entranced in their own world they forget there are other people around them.

Also don't get me started on slow walkers, I get it with the elderly, it's not their fault, but some of the people crawling around South London must have to leave for their weekly shop three days in advance, it's madness.
Hey there! Have you guys met?

I cycle between 25 and 30 miles a day as my commute and I often get people commenting on how dangerous it must be because of all the cars, especially when I'm cycling in London. As people have said already it's not the cars it's other cyclists and pedestrians! I'd say over half the cyclist I see in London just ignore red lights regardless of the situation and the pedestrians all seem to be suicidal. It's definitely a phone zombie thing, people so entranced in their own world they forget there are other people around them.

Also don't get me started on slow walkers, I get it with the elderly, it's not their fault, but some of the people crawling around South London must have to leave for their weekly shop three days in advance, it's madness.

What about the walkers who just straight up stop for no reason whatsoever.. Some people have no self awareness
My biggest hate is people who walk out of shops on a busy street and then stop in a group to decide what to do next slap bang infront of the doors in the middle of the pavement blocking everyone
People just seem to make it your responsibility to stop. Their attitude is that you won't hit them and will stop. This is definitely a recent thing. Also, a lot of them are just too damn busy checking their Instagram or Twitter feed.
What irritates me is in supermarket car parks when people walk straight out in front of you, They are usually drivers and have just parked and would swear like hell if someone did it to them
My biggest hate is people who walk out of shops on a busy street and then stop in a group to decide what to do next slap bang infront of the doors in the middle of the pavement blocking everyone

Yep, I get this a lot. Very annoying.

People now are just so full of their own self importance that there is no thought for the people around them.

Another recent thing is for groups of people to be stood in the middle of a supermarket aisle for a chat, completely blocking it off.

I really don't like people much these days :(
Am I the only one thinking that if you're going to step out in front of moving traffic, whether car or bike, you kinda deserve what's coming to you?

This, darwin awards, and I hope with the increase of Dashcams they can be used as evidence in court and the rider/driver gets cleared of any charges.
I was only doing about 5mph when some moron reading her phone stepped off the kerb right in front of me, she was so close I did nudge her by the time I stopped at which point she gave me the middle finger and some abuse. She didn't even notice me until I actually did hit her, even though it was 5mph I still didn't have space/time to stop without brushing her. The only thing I could think of saying was that she was ****** lucky it wasn't a main road.
People are retards. As I said elsewhere, we really need a good survival exercise which requires more than 3 brain cells to survive, a good cull of all the stupid is long overdue. A nice plague ought to do it. Or a flood, bit more dramatic and we sure could use some nice cold water in this heat.
People are retards. As I said elsewhere, we really need a good survival exercise which requires more than 3 brain cells to survive, a good cull of all the stupid is long overdue. A nice plague ought to do it. Or a flood, bit more dramatic and we sure could use some nice cold water in this heat.


A moron cull is just what is needed. Starting with quad bike riders.
I admit i've done it once.... I was crossing between traffic at red light chatting to a mate and he nearly smacked into me. I genuinely didn't see him though.

Sorta lapse in concentration discussing something with a friend and auto pilot thinking of oh red light no worries cross here.

I cycle myself a lot and never had it happen, but as soon as I see people coming up i'm fairly cautious.
What irritates me is in supermarket car parks when people walk straight out in front of you, They are usually drivers and have just parked and would swear like hell if someone did it to them

Disagree with this. It's a car park, you should expect people walking to and from their cars. It's not a main road. You should driving according to the conditions.

By thinking you automatically have right of way because you're in a car, you're as bad as the other people being discussed in this thread.
Also don't get me started on slow walkers, I get it with the elderly, it's not their fault, but some of the people crawling around South London must have to leave for their weekly shop three days in advance, it's madness.

What about the walkers who just straight up stop for no reason whatsoever.. Some people have no self awareness

I get this every day when I'm walking home from work. SO annoying sometimes. Never said anything to anyone though.
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