People stepping in front of you

When it comes to walkers, all I'll say is I've got very strong and very hard shoulders. I don't mess around.
Also don't get me started on slow walkers
What about the walkers

It's gonna get even better when they take away my nice loud diesel and force me into one of them ultra-quiet EVs... Then again, I suppose killing off ignorant phone-zombies who can't look where they're going would actually be good for the overpopulated environment!

I can't help but think of Dune when people talk about Spice
I thought that's what it was a reference to, anyway...?
When it comes to walkers, all I'll say is I've got very strong and very hard shoulders. I don't mess around.

Quite. Is it just me that's noticed an increasing trend for approaching yoofs to walk at you in a seeming attempt to make you yield?
Worst one I've seen is some school kids walking up to a crossing to wait for the green man and one nattering to his mate so much that he kept walking..

He was cm from walking into the side of the car in front of me doing 30mph. If his older sister (or whoever) hadn't have grabbed is rucksack and yanked him backwards I shudder to think..
Quite. Is it just me that's noticed an increasing trend for approaching yoofs to walk at you in a seeming attempt to make you yield?
I have noticed this! Not sure what the game is really I am much heavier than them and it would only end up going one way if I didnt decide to be the grown up and yield.
I thought you judt belly bounced them out of the way with your beer gut :p ^_^

It's a c.c.c.c.combo move. Smashes them off the shoulder in to the gut and then bounces them on to their ass. It's an acquired skill.
I wish the cyclists where I live would learn that traffic lights apply to them as well.....the number of times I've almost been knocked over (including when I've been pushing a stroller) when using the pedestrian crossing outside the train station :( Car drivers seem to manage stopping at red lights and yet cyclists just carry on as if their brakes are faulty.....
QEII can relate.


You can tell an old man by the trousers...he's probably got another pair of legs in there.
I occasionally get people bumping into me from the side because they were looking in a different direction to where they were walking. I have a very narrow field of vision (almost blind), so I always look where I'm walking. Bit ironic that I'm not the instigator given my sight or lack of.
I occasionally get people bumping into me from the side because they were looking in a different direction to where they were walking. I have a very narrow field of vision (almost blind), so I always look where I'm walking. Bit ironic that I'm not the instigator given my sight or lack of.

See I don't think it's to do with not seeing...I think people are just idiots. Either too self involved, too self important or just inconsiderate.
Worst one I've seen is some school kids walking up to a crossing to wait for the green man and one nattering to his mate so much that he kept walking..

He was cm from walking into the side of the car in front of me doing 30mph. If his older sister (or whoever) hadn't have grabbed is rucksack and yanked him backwards I shudder to think..

I blame "Lollipop-People" (Seriously!)

All the "School Crossing Officers" (or whatever they are called these days) I have ever seen in action seem to have as ROE the core principle that "No Child should have to wait a nano-second"

The momnet any kids approach the crossing, the "Officer" leaps into the road to halt the traffic so that the kids can cross the road without even breaking step.

I guess they just get used to it and simply do not have the skills, or inclination, to look out for themselves...
I wish the cyclists where I live would learn that traffic lights apply to them as well.....the number of times I've almost been knocked over (including when I've been pushing a stroller) when using the pedestrian crossing outside the train station :( Car drivers seem to manage stopping at red lights and yet cyclists just carry on as if their brakes are faulty.....

The cycle brigade will be along shortly to inform you that you are imagining this
I wish the cyclists where I live would learn that traffic lights apply to them as well.....the number of times I've almost been knocked over (including when I've been pushing a stroller) when using the pedestrian crossing outside the train station :( Car drivers seem to manage stopping at red lights and yet cyclists just carry on as if their brakes are faulty.....

Cyclists avoid using brakes at all costs because they are weak and need to conserve their energy, not because their brakes are broken. And it's not just red lights they won't stop for, its ANY hazard on the road. I regularly see cyclists avoid braking at all costs, even swerving between pedestrians on pedestrian crossings lol.

Meanwhile, me in my car, I have no issues slowing down for hazards all I need to do is drop a gear and bam sorted.
Cyclists avoid using brakes at all costs because they are weak and need to conserve their energy, not because their brakes are broken. And it's not just red lights they won't stop for, its ANY hazard on the road. I regularly see cyclists avoid braking at all costs, even swerving between pedestrians on pedestrian crossings lol.

Meanwhile, me in my car, I have no issues slowing down for hazards all I need to do is drop a gear and bam sorted.

Kind of like this guy.

I am actually sorry for the guy that didn't stop. He didn't know that there was CCTV that would have exonerated him and in the absence of that he would have ended up taking the blame anyway because Cyclists can do no wrong and it is always the drivers fault (Certainly in the minds of Pro-Cycling activists and also in many EU countries to it would seem)
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