Permabanned members

:cry: :cry: :cry:

It's almost poetic.

Wonder if he's currently reading this or if he's rage-quit?

As sad as it sounds this has really tickled me. Perhaps I need to step away from the forum.
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I know he was controversial, but I did like his 'normal' posts, like when he posted about little mini-projects or gave general advice.
Yeah, had some strange views but an interesting person and was part of the furniture of this place, so to speak.
I'm feeling oddly nostalgic for that one guy who was obsessed with DAB radio, and thought that his Panasonic stereo was the height of audio hardware.

He also thought that HDR was a gimmick, and that he could get a similar effect by turning up the brightness on his monitor.
That seemed quite rare though. He had to bring immigration in to almost every thread
Yeah, maybe so, and fair enough, but no more than some who scream bReXiT and subscribe to the death cult of global boiling.
But they seem to get a pass.
I don't know the guy, but he took his time to post what others would charge a fortune for, ie electrical & mechanical knowledge that was super useful for the OCUK members.
Sometimes I don't even notice that people have gone for months until someone else points it out.
That's the thing, we don't notice people by their absence, but by their presence IME. It's true of social media like Facebook too. Loads of good mates never go on there any more, some even unfriended me/delete accounts. But plenty of people I see there every day.
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