Permabanned members

Lot more people who get banned on one account making 'alt' accounts these days until the mods catch them.
I never really understood alt accounts.

I mean, it’s sad enough some of us have spent 20 odd years posting on here with our main accounts - never mind spending the time creating a second account and presumably saying things they didn’t want their main account to be associated with (basically trolling).

I wonder if any of them ever started an argument between their two accounts just to stir up other people.

It was bad enough with members like Diamond Mark, who lived a fantasy online lifestyle and got found out, but I don’t believe he had a second account that he used to play up the con.
His crypto forum access was removed for repeatedly sending unsolicited referral links and he never came back.

I think that demonstrates that he was only here to try and use the forum to make money and when we removed that ability, he never returned.

Don't forget his patronising expert financial advice
Jesus, they just keep on going when you scroll through them don't they!

Should we start a vote on whether to suspend or perma @GaryTheSnail ?

If I get permbanned I want to legally be able to see my file.

I’m ok with that but would love to see what you lot have on me wrote down.

I can’t promise I won’t ever make an alt account to re-post this info as a thread somewhere down the line though.

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His crypto forum access was removed for repeatedly sending unsolicited referral links and he never came back.

I think that demonstrates that he was only here to try and use the forum to make money and when we removed that ability, he never returned.
That's exactly what I needed to know.

Many thanks.
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