my thoughts on getting the 4790k next year is hopefully ill get one cheaper than there going for now. if I do ill also need a new mobo as ill upgrade my son to the 4690k and ill turn the AMD rig into a server, media rig or punt it on
yea Im really chuffed on how its coming on compared to what I had before.
I was thinking I could maybe try for a 970 next year.
I had looked at the 290x but had read the 970 was faster on 1080 but then im wondering.. how much faster? is it worth spending the extra? plus the 290x would still be a great upgrade over the 7950
Have you thought about getting another 7950 for around £60 odd.
No harm in trying it again, plus you can bench them in xfire and compare, its always good to have a spare cpu incase 1 dies, i got a x2 555 which unlocks to a quad.
Yeah he will see a big upgrade from the gts540.
yea that was my thoughts is it would be good to see the benchmarks with them in xfire with the i5.
as you say the 7950 will be a good upgrade for him hence im wanting to upgrade myself.
If I needed to upgrade now I could go to around the £200 at a push. if I wait to the end of January I could go higherYeah and if you was to upgrade now, what would you max price be.
If I needed to upgrade now I could go to around the £200 at a push. if I wait to the end of January I could go higher
as I say after xmas is over and done with I can then justify spending extra on pc parts.Would be better of waiting till end of january.
This is interesting as I have an 8350 at 5GHZ but its hot and loud and I'm getting a bit bored of waiting for Zen specs
What was the cost to change on the motherboard and CPU and how come you kept your old ram?
Is there a noticeable difference in games and what kind of games?
That Enthoo M is so nice, it's a lot like my Enthoo Pro but different, I like it. If i didn't have the Pro then i would probably have the M
yes please would be nice to see them.Quite a big jump there!
Should I throw on some R9 290 & 8320 both at stock clocks on? Then Overclock again and see the difference? (I wanted it to all run cooler and quieter)
so installed the gtx 970 left it running stock at the moment.
windows score dropped from 7.9 down to 6!!