If you mean on the side of tower it's to hold the Vet's card on so know where it is at all times
Steve Leonard from TV fame and prices have gone to his head
The magnet G clamp below is to hold headphone wire to stop it pulling the plug down - When tower was on floor I caught my leg on cable and nearly ruined headphone socket on tower.
All of these desks are far too tidy .
I would post a picture of my desk but I'm too embarrassed to show everyone how messy I am.
My desk very rarely has anything extra on it to be honest. Phone, ecig and a coaster.
I think it must depend on where the PC is located ie a study etc. My PC is in my living room so the coffee table would get more cluttered than the desk in normal circumstances.
Out of curiosity, what do you use your monitor set up for?
Hi, Anyone on here got a floating desk ? Just wondering if it is better to buy or build my own something like this
Where can i buy one of those floor mats a lot of you have, that go under your chair? I can't seem to find them!
I've moved down to the dining room and have lost all rolling function thanks to a thicker carpet
Where can i buy one of those floor mats a lot of you have, that go under your chair? I can't seem to find them!
I've moved down to the dining room and have lost all rolling function thanks to a thicker carpet