Pic: Your desk...RIGHT NOW

Literally 30 minutes after I posted that pic I'm returning the speakers. They have a hissing noise which is disappointing as they had so much potential.
Beer, BF1, and the Beeb's coverage of that US thingy that's going on. Sorted for the night (there are plenty more beers after this one I imagine!)

At the office...

I have been in relationships while I've been signed up here, and I've never shown you their picture before. What makes you think that would change? :p
My desk now after spent all morning taking it all apart and cleaning and dusting everything - and getting rid of rubbish.

Not quite right now, as been meaning to post for a couple of weeks, my man cave has been turned into the baby's nursery so I have relocated to the kitchen!

I am sure somewhere in this thread I have seen some sort of cage to fit under the desk to put the extension socket? This is my wire mess at the moment:
Do you just slap any old sticker on your PC case regardless of what it is?

Pretty much, - although Im a father, I do have an iPhone, Nitro gaming chair, copy of Return to Castle Wolfenstein (still installed!) and buy games from CEX so they are all apt. :)
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