Pic: Your desk...RIGHT NOW

This isn't a 'Take a pic of your desk RIGHT NOW' thread at all.

Its a 'See this post.. clear your desk right up then finally take a pic with everything nicely arranged and neat'.. thread. :p

That or i'm a messy B!
Steve LOL, that's awesome :D

Hahaha I can just imagine you raving away sat in your PC chair.

hahaha I know mate, you should see the looks passers by give me.. get massive squares/circles/patterns drawn onto the houses opposite, neighbours must love me lol..

lol but yeah lasers :)

It can be done for not as expensive as you may think, can get them quite cheap off the bay ~£100 (Aviod the laser crabs though that you see on there). They come in all sorts of power outputs and colours some DMX controllable some just sound to light. Green I prefer the best as our eyes 'see' it as the brightest compared to the other colours, so it makes it for a better deal. ~50mw will be fine for a small room. Don't think I even need to say it as im sure your all aware they can be very dangerous to our eyes!

Its not just the laser that makes it happen though thing that makes it look decent is the smoke.. lol if your a heavy smoker though you might be able to do away with a smoke machine and close the door and windows :D. But seriously you will need a smoke machine to get an effect, just a small one will do for your bedroom or small room is fine.

Heres some more pics and a video http://2stepsteve.smugmug.com/gallery/3997917#232525884

Don't wanna derail this thread anymore.

Could start a new thread or something..
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