[PIC_THREAD] People, Portraits, Street

That's nice! I can't find any scenes like that down here sadly :(

Cheers. What's really bad is this is literally on my doorstep (well I drive up there but it's only 5 mins or so away), and this is the first time this autumn I have been up there, not good! It looks like it was pretty amazing so I'm going to make an effort next year :)

The plan today was to get up there early morning for better light, but it was midday by the time we got there :(
The leaves are all brown round here but finding a place like that to set the right scene^^ is impossible! I think I need to look harder :P
Had a play with my friend's 7D + 17-40L + Grip combo, the AF is pretty crazy on that body:


That was ~24mm I think. The speed of a dSLR makes me want a D800 and a 35/1.4, but I'd miss having a camera I can carry everywhere.
17-40 is a great lens and focuses really quick, I love it on the 5D3 but I'm more in love with the 85 :D

Bit far out but loads of places like these mate in Chi/Midhurst/Petworth

Aye that's a trek! I want to just spend a day or two road tripping around places one time, it would be amazing but having the energy and time to do it is another matter :( And I'd like to do it with other people too, it's not as fun when everyone else is busy so can't come along!
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