[PIC_THREAD] Sports, Action, Transportation

Quick question lads, looking to do a lot more racetracks.
I currently have a tamron 70-200 f2.8 and was wonder if this will be long enough for most tracks as my sigma is the old type and a bit slow in every department?

It depends which tracks you are going to and what you'll be shooting.

A 70-200 is fine for panning shots for cars at many circuits, though a 1.4x convertor would be handy. At some tracks you are quite a distance from the action (e.g. Silverstone) and if you are shooting bikes then you'll find the lack of length a bit frustrating at times and end up having to heavily crop the photos. If it's for your own use and won't be printed bigger than A4 then this is fine.

I won't deny that for some shots a long focal length lens is needed. If you are a Canon user, then the Mk 1 version of the 100-400 can be picked up for just over £500 and has a very versatile range. Ok it can hunt a bit in low light above 300mm, but in good light it's fine.
some more riat shots agreed poor light very windy and fri was cut short no single prop plane well ok one no vintageurl=https://flic.kr/p/JyJmUo]20160709-Riat 2016-1031[/url] by Paul Stuart, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]20160709-Riat 2016-1031 by Paul Stuart, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]20160709-Riat 2016-933 by Paul Stuart, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]Riat 2016-837_DxO by Paul Stuart, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]20160709-Riat 2016-733 by Paul Stuart, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]20160709-Riat 2016-662 by Paul Stuart, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]20160709-Riat 2016-662 by Paul Stuart, on Flickr[/IMG]
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A little late, but I thought I'd share some of my RIAT photos. The weather was very challenging and I'm, not overly happy with the set, but they capture for me what was a very good show.


So jealous of the Phantom shot, was that an arrival shot? I didn't see it on the Friday or Saturday.
That was departure on the Monday. As I worked the event I was able to stand at the crowdline on my own to get some shots.
I'm a bit rusty in the photography department these days, but as always I went to the Wyedean Rally because it'd be rude not to when it is right on my doorstep. I tried being bit arty with the last image because I thought the bushes would make a good frame :o

10, on Flickr

12, on Flickr

23, on Flickr

30, on Flickr

33, on Flickr
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