[PIC_THREAD] Weddings

I think it's still clear enough to tell she's probably not blinking but just closing her eyes while joking with the guy.
Well, from my point of view, someone who's never seen that photo before, that is the immediate conclusion one comes to. Outside you, that guy, and/or her, no one else would know what they were doing, I bet they don't even remember it themselves, it really just looks like she blinked as she is shrugs her shoulders. In fact, it looks like her eyes are about to open.

It's not a criticism on the shot, it's how the image comes across. It's why I asked in the first place.
Oh don't misunderstand as I get what you're saying, I'm replying to your statement is all. I still think it doesn't a use confusion either way though. If it was an issue I'd not have kept it.
Improv, no tripod on location but night shots got to be done.


Loving this.
Have a few more :)





Unfortunately that venue was only during the day else I'd have loved to get a night shot with the ambient light glowing through the hut. Ah well.
The flower girl looks sweet, but the wrong eye is in focus. Also the boy is back-focused, are you having issues at the moment?

Ultimately content trumps technical perfection.. but still...
No back focus issues, I took the shot as the boy was walking toward me with his mother holding his hand. As for the eye shot, I did focus on the left eye - It was a split second shot above all else, as you say, content first.

Thanks all though :)
I know what you mean when they are walking towards you. I don't know why they don't put faster AF motors in prime lenses tbh, as that alone would result in many more keepers.
I know what you mean when they are walking towards you. I don't know why they don't put faster AF motors in prime lenses tbh, as that alone would result in many more keepers.

Faster apertures requires finer control of the AF so very fast primes always tend to be relatively slow. Sower aperture lenses can allow more focus error so focusing is often geared faster, e.g.the 24-70 and 70-20028 zooms focus extremely fast.
I don't know the ins and outs of a lens construction but I am guessing some lenses focus with the rear element, some from the front element plays a big part.

The 85/1.2 focus by moving the front glass element, you can see it moves into focus and due to the size of that glass, it is slow to focus.

On the contrary, the 135L, which has a similar size front element, is one of the fastest focus lenses around, primes or otherwise, that's partly to do with it focuses from the rear element, which is a lot smaller.
Yeah the Sigma 35 and 85 both use rear elements to focus which is fast, USM fast really. On the 5D3 you can manually adjust AF speed and sensitivity, I have mine set quite conservatively set for a balance of speed and accuracy as I use servo AF on the fly via the DOF preview button for quick shots especially like the above.

But yeah, shooting wide open and using custom AF can be tricky but on the whole it does produce the right image. It will evolve with more varied use though.
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