Pico 4 out soon?

Automobilista 2 is just fantastic in VR, especially using the Pico 4

I turned a few laps around the Nordschleife in the Nissan GT1 the other night, just phenomenal. I spends my days turning laps in ACC for my sins. When you drop back to look at AMS 2, it instantly blows you away.

19.00 autumnal September evening around nords, graphically to die for.
I turned a few laps around the Nordschleife in the Nissan GT1 the other night, just phenomenal. I spends my days turning laps in ACC for my sins. When you drop back to look at AMS 2, it instantly blows you away.

19.00 autumnal September evening around nords, graphically to die for.

Yeah I can't believe how good it is. Like a prat, I bought it yonks ago then went and spent all my time on iRacing. iRacing is good, but the graphics are a bit iffy and it takes about 2 weeks to load up a track....not to mention how expensive it is £15 for a car or a track. Gulp.

The recent steam sale is what did it. Picked up the premium pack and USA packs for peanuts and they are bloody good! I think it's the best sim racing game in VR.
Well this thing really is a beast

Pico 4 - (3120*3120)*2 = 19.46m pixels
That's two and a half 4K monitors

Automobilista 2


Track - Silverstone 13:00 August Clear Sky
Cars - 6
Graphics - High
Reflections - Low
Shadows - Off
High Mirrors - Off
Extra Eye Candy (Bloom, Haze, Sun flares) - Off

72fps @ 85%-95% Load


Track - Silverstone 07:00 November Cloudy (sun coming up, car headlights on, misty on track)
Cars - 31 (Max)
Graphics - Ultra
Reflections - Ultra
Shadows - Ultra
High Mirrors - On
Extra Eye Candy (Bloom, Haze, Sun flares) - On

90fps @ 75%-85% Load (95% on occasion when in the middle of the pack early in the race with lots of cars bunched together)

I would assume that using the above example, and having the rain lashing down would probably tip the 4090 over the edge, but what you gonna do, settle
for high not ultra lol Damn, this thing really is a beast.



oooo nice

see , i really love my F1 and BTCC, i really want a sim rig, but i have no *** room :(
really want a wheel !!!!
when i move into my own place, "hopefully" ill get one
Well this thing really is a beast

Pico 4 - (3120*3120)*2 = 19.46m pixels
That's two and a half 4K monitors

Automobilista 2


Track - Silverstone 13:00 August Clear Sky
Cars - 6
Graphics - High
Reflections - Low
Shadows - Off
High Mirrors - Off
Extra Eye Candy (Bloom, Haze, Sun flares) - Off

72fps @ 85%-95% Load


Track - Silverstone 07:00 November Cloudy (sun coming up, car headlights on, misty on track)
Cars - 31 (Max)
Graphics - Ultra
Reflections - Ultra
Shadows - Ultra
High Mirrors - On
Extra Eye Candy (Bloom, Haze, Sun flares) - On

90fps @ 75%-85% Load (95% on occasion when in the middle of the pack early in the race with lots of cars bunched together)

I would assume that using the above example, and having the rain lashing down would probably tip the 4090 over the edge, but what you gonna do, settle
for high not ultra lol Damn, this thing really is a beast.



Was this with any supersampling? How does the Pico 4 compare to the quest 2 for pcvr? I have a 4090 and a quest 2 and I’m wondering if it’s worth getting the Pico. Thanks
Was this with any supersampling? How does the Pico 4 compare to the quest 2 for pcvr? I have a 4090 and a quest 2 and I’m wondering if it’s worth getting the Pico. Thanks

i went from a Q2 to Pico, yes its better visuals , but i only changed because i wanted more comfort as i find the Q2 didn't fit me at all well
id wait for the Quest 3
oh I played a game called ancient dungeon - while a cool game - sort of like minecraft dungeons in vr but I felt quite nauseous afterward - I havnt even hardly used my unit since purchasing it. But after playing that it put me off a bit. My son has been having fun with it thou; Im glad we got access to those free games - thats cool of pico to do that.
Has anyone gone from a Rift S to a Pico 4 . I'm mainly into flight sims (msfs 2020 / IL2) in VR. I'm on a 6900xt with an i5 9600k. My first thought was G2 but prices in the UK are daft whereas the Pico 4 is doable if I can get a decent upgrade in image quality. That said I'm reading stuff that for msfs you need a monster GPU to get the best out of the Pico. Any thoughts ?
NEW on #PICOStore: Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder - action-adventure game where you explore old mines, nautical caves and ruins of ancient civilizations. Or revisit 1976 back to midway: back in time to 1943 and relive the excitement of classic arcade dogfights in VR.

ooo 1943 was brilliant game on the old amiga etc
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