Pico 4 out soon?

I've just ordered one of these to try out, won't arrive for a couple of weeks though... certainly looks a lot nicer than the stock interface

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System Active recently sent me a mail stating that the discounted offer on the 4 if you have a 3 expires on the 31st of December.

35% is a hefty chunk. If i didn't have other things in mind, i would for the sake of it.
If you not got VD and only using streaming assistant and having stuttering or any other problem try turning Motion smoothing off on steam settings its improve lighting and performance for me.
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ive got lens protectors on over my lenses (essentially another lens in front)

and i wear glasses, and ive just taken out the glasses spacer

and i can still wear my glasses and my FOV has improved :D

i know VR cover are doing a facial interface for this (they have said this)
soon as its released , im buying it
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Automobilista 2 is just fantastic in VR, especially using the Pico 4

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Only a small upgrade then ;)

To be fair, the 3080Ti is almost good enough. It's sat at 85%-90% most of the time at 72hz high with a small number of cars on track (shadows off, reflections low). It's on the limit though.

I wish I'd not tried 90hz now, as it's so much smoother but just can't run it. It's a slide show. Even if I set everything on low I'm only getting 80fps at best. One solution is to run at a lower resolution, but it looks crap.

The 4090 should hit a solid 90fps at ultra with 30+ cars on track :eek: It's a beast!

Even though I paid for Saturday delivery, it came today. It's almost the size of an xbox lol
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