Pics of stuff we bought in August!

No pictures, but what I have bought so far this month:

i5 2500k
Sidewinder X4
16GB Kingston ram
Windows 7 Ultimate
MSI 6950 2GB gfx card
Corsair H80 cooler
Kashmir Microfibre chair from Staples
Spotify Premium subscription
Few games

Grand total: £1147.79
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Oh yeah, 20cm fan came today \m/

I'm more pleased by the SATA dock built into the top of the case than anything else which is bizarre but I will be using it extensively (thanks to AHCI allowing SATA hot swapping) as I can now:

1: Save a plug socket from the USB enclosure on the drive I back up to
2: Save a USB port based on the above reason as well
3: Get 80MB/s instead of 20-30 on USB2.

But yeah, the case is cool too!


Also just bought these two:


Not bad with the saving using the 48hr 50% off code I got in their email yesterday!
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What was that all about? Boredom?

Kids being kids.. they were playing with tape and found some string in a draw :p

It was fine for the kids when I had a 50" telly cos they'd sit and watch that but now i've got this new setup mainly aimed at one person (me) they don't like it for watching TV so now they just watch it downstairs.

The Stig is actually a bubblebath thing bought for me for Christmas but I just like it as a statue thing :p
Getting a new flat next week so:

be value broadband

5x70cl bottles of Russian standard (£40 with voucher out tesco)
Never too old for a quick play with Lego!
Apart from a few hundred resistors this is what I have bought so far this month.

A HIS tool thingy, some Yate Loon fans and a temperature gauge (modded by me to use USB power).


That was on offer, I prefer my trusty screw driver!

I bought LA Noire in HMV for 29.99 ;]

Scuse my french but **** thats going to ruin your bandwidth if you open it xD
Sorry for the bad quality :/
It's from that shop which shares a name with a office tool. :p (that is where I got mine anyway)

Was about £90 :/ I probs got robbed but it was a "ooo I like the look of that" and bought it there and then type thing.

I love the padded arms :D
That looks well nice :p


Awesome movie seen that more times than i care to remember think i might put it on now :)

I've bought a load of boring servicing parts for my bike (cbr 600) and one of this.

just so i can be a power ranger of course :p ;)

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