Been on a bit of a spending spree this week.
New car battery.
ROG Vulcan headphones as my old Sennheisers are kaput.
WD Live NAS drive. Been meaning to get one for ages.
WDTV to stream all the stuff from the NAS (also Netflix etc).
Kindle 3. Already have the keyboard one but this one is small enough to fit completely inside the side pocket of my trousers when traveling.
Media keyboard for media PC.
Homeplug thingies for streaming into the living room.
Network switch for the living room.
Instead of the 2 four socket ones - built in surge protection too.
A few bits and bobs.
Asus Transformer Prime. Not had much of a chance to play with it yet but seems excellent. I have an iPad 1 but I wasn't impressed enough with the iPad 2 or 3 to upgrade so I upgraded to an Android device instead
Asus RT-N56U Black Diamond router. Had to order this today. The WD Live NAS allows me to access my files remotely but it won't be much use when the crappy router Virgin supplied keeps crapping out. I have to reboot it every couple of days which isn't much use when I'm away at work for a month at a time.
Finally, some stuff for the kitchen.
Set of big mixing bowls, a couple of woks (which I spent most of the afternoon seasoning - not easy seasoning woks on a ceramic hob), omelette/pancake pan and a Philips HR1372 Hand Blender to replace the 2 crappy cheapo things I had.