"Pillars of Eternity: RPG funded by Kickstarter"

Tomorrow for The White March. Can't wait to play the game again with all the new changes and areas

One thing I am a bit concerned about is the level cap. They said it was going to be raised, but it is only raised from 12-14, so probably an indication of how short the first part is.
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Just picked this up as it's been on my list to play for a while and it was pretty cheap. However is it going to be worth waiting and picking up the expansion to get the ai packages?
Just picked this up as it's been on my list to play for a while and it was pretty cheap. However is it going to be worth waiting and picking up the expansion to get the ai packages?

Definitely. 100%. It will massively improve the mechanics of the base game. The changes to stealth are the ones I am most looking forward to.

In fact, I am looking forward more to the improved mechanics than the new content tbh!

PS. The AI packages, along with other changes are included in the free patch btw.
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Didn't realise they were coming in a free patch. That's perfect then and since I won't be starting tonight anyway I would have had them anyway. Now I just need to make sure I finish this before fallout 4...
The patch is live now. I've already started a new game!

The expansion should be released some time soon

Edit- The White March is now also available on Steam and GOG. Patch is 2.1gb, TWM is 2.2gb
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It's taken me a couple hours but I think I'm sorted with a wood elf, cipher, scientist build. Just levelled up to level 2 and have put all my points into lore and mechanics. I was initially thrown my the lack of a charisma option which is usually one stat I have quite high.
So changed my class again (6hrs now and the furthest I've got is to gilded Vale) I've gone with a ranger since I want to focus on ranged and that seemed the most sense. Recruited the elf wizard and a created a moon godlike paladin and cleared out the temple. Just Recruited eder now. My only concern is the wasted points in survival as it's not a skill I'm likely to use.
Played it to death over the last few days. Still not got round to doing the expansion stuff yet but loving the changes to the game. I am waiting for a special if it part of the story before I go to White March.

I am playing as a rogue based around crits. Dual wielding stilettos and I am basically soloing the game when I am in the town, then gathering the group when going questing. I have beaten some pretty tough fights on my own! The freedom to build your character as you want is really brilliant, and something s lot of so-called RPGs could learn from nowadays!

Also been reading up on some of obsidian's plans for the future, whether it be expansions or sequels and they look great. They showed a picture at pax of some of the stuff they want to do and wish they had done better in this(improved stronghold, make it more moddable etc) and all of the changes would be epic!... Personally, I think they are badly let down by the nine though, so would need to change it imo for a sequel.
Bought this on Friday. My OH was away all weekend so spent about 30hrs on this. :)

Really enjoying it. Not got too far, started over after getting the stronghold on first try. Played as barbarian but didn't enjoy it much, probably cos I wasn't playing it right. :)

Couple of questions
Is it worth spending thousands on new gear from traders or will I find decent stuff early on? I'm level 5 at the moment.
What level would you recommend starting on the dungeon under the stronghold? Read it's better to wait till Act 2 before going down there.
Question one- it probably is worth it, but buy based on your build. Don't pay too much for a few extra damage, pay it for something like a crit multiplier for a rogue or increased aoe for mages/chanters etc.

Question 2- do some of it early as you will make the best of the items you get. You will at some point hit a difficulty spike in the dungeon, then just come back later.

A lot of the best items are rewards, but it does pay to buy from merchants as well to kit out your whole team... Plus money is never a problem, especially after you start exploring the Endless Paths!
I'm having trouble getting into this game. Not sure what it is. I've probably played every isometric rpg that's been released since BG. I think Original Sin was the most fun out of all of them and possibly I'm comparing it to that. I played nwn (online) for years. I enjoyed learning how to play Drakensang, which I feel is one of the hardest to get to grips with, but I still found it fun.

I find casting spells hard, the icons look nothing like what the spell produces and a whole level of spells gets thrown at you rather than slowly introducing them to you. Also my casters don't seem to get a chance to throw a spell before my melee toons have slaughtered all the mobs.

I'm going to persist with this game, but maybe when I have nothing else to play so I can devote some serious time to it.
Is it worth getting the White March expansion(s) if I've not played the base game yet? I know it integrates but not sure if it's better to just play the base game and wait?
You can go off and do the White March stuff around 2/3rds into the game I think, although you can just wait until you've finished and then go back and do it, as the game gives you the option to scale the difficulty based on your level.
Sorry for the bump but thought I post here instead of posting a new thread about the game. :p

Just started playing this the other day after a nice forum member here donated a spare copy to me (Yes I am looking at you @montymint thank you again ! :) ). Been having fun, doing quests and getting companions, then I got a message that some Trolls and Oozes was about to attack the Great Hall in a couple days time. Not sure what to expect, so went there with my team and thought I hire 2 extra guards to help out. UHmm yeah, got slaughtered.. :eek: :p lol

So, restarted and this time hired all 8.. still got slaughtered.. 4 trolls and 3 black bloobs.. made couple potions (can't make many, not enough ingredients even if I pick everything I can find :( ) and went through every spell my mage and priest can use, even changed priest weapon to a long distance one so he was further away. Then used everything I could use, including a trap. Slowly winding them down, 3 of my companions down, move me and the other so we were at the wall with a table next to us, so troll come at us one at a time.. 4th companion went down as the 2nd troll dies (all bloobs dead) then somehow managed killing the other 2 trolls in that space.. Quiet luck that the other troll didn't walk around and attacked me in the back.. that would been.. unfortunate.. :eek: :p .. in the end finally killed them and won the fight.. just to get no acknowledgement about having defended my castle and no reward either, only 2 drops from them.. which slightly shucked.. would have expected a bit more drop considering the fight.

Now, when there is more attacks like this, should I just take the hit and do the auto thing on it and most likely loss and have to rebuild stuff ? Right now I don't have a single potion left to use, unless I am lucky and can find some drop or buy some, depending on their prices, that is.

I just started Act II, come to Copperlane last evening and that's about it. Thought I post here and ask some advice before continuing forward. And also, in regards to their armour, been hesitant to change my Priest and Mage's robes, since they are enchanted. Should I just ignore that and give them bit better DR base ?? Like the priest, he has a base of DR 3 but a +2 Constitution and it's burn proffed. And if they have medium armour, should I keep it at that or it wont matter ??

Any other advice you guys might have would also be greatly appreciated. :)
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