PINK MOD! What you've been waiting for!!

*Shakes fist violently* Why can't you people just learn to love Pinky! He has feelings you know! *Covers his eyes so he can't see the nasty posts* There there Pinky, there there.

He might be different to all the other cases, but he's still a "'uman been!" i mean pc

it'll look tacky tie wrapping a posable statue to the side of a case, i might aswell super glue a piece of wood to my akasa eclipse.
Its got a celeron in it Neon - i don't think they were going for the anodised Phill lian li look in the first place. Credit to them its a well done job for what it is. We all had to start somewhere so give them credit where credit is due!
Neon said:
it'll look tacky tie wrapping a posable statue to the side of a case, i might aswell super glue a piece of wood to my akasa eclipse.

I'm confused... how will it look tacky??

And yes, you could just go glue wood to your totally mass produced case. I agree my case is not to everyone's taste, but you don't hear me complaining you're case is boring and un-strokable!
mass produced case? so whats yours then did you build it? i dont think so somehow...

you stuck fur to it.

Oh Noes! mine looks so boring what am i gonna do -

yeh right.

i dont stroke my case, other people do though.;)
Is this turning into a pimp my case thread.

Here are three mass produced cases, which im trying to get rid of then!

nice yewen, i might be interested in 1 or 2 of them.

but lets not go there.

Btw: Melm0 is your case not mass produced?
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Ah Neon, lighten up. Your case is mass produced, as is Melmo's in all probablility. I've seen the damn thing and I'm impressed how good a job they've done with it. It's unique, and although I'm envious of what's inside your PC, I wouldn't want all those common blue lights.

note - this does not mean I would like the pink case for my own...
you mean the silver/red lights... from mixing two into one?

there old pics dude, notice the HSF have changed is some of the thumbs.
Each to their own. Personally i think the Eclipse is a nice case but it is boring (have you got las vagas in there?). Its like the P180 which is boring but looks good.

Whereas pinky is interesting and different. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have flame us. We came up with the idea, went and got all the things we needed and made it.
I've spent aiges working on that case and i don't like people slating it off. Its my first mod i've done and so what if it isn't origional, it works and i (and the majority of people) think it looks ace!

Mel beats everyone at the LANs on DOW, and if she put her mind to it she could on pretty much any game. Shes great and i'm so lucky to have her :D
Whereas pinky is interesting and different. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have flame us. We came up with the idea, went and got all the things we needed and made it.
I've spent aiges working on that case and i don't like people slating it off. Its my first mod i've done and so what if it isn't origional, it works and i (and the majority of people) think it looks ace!

Mel beats everyone at the LANs on DOW, and if she put her mind to it she could on pretty much any game. Shes great and i'm so lucky to have her

whats game got to do with anything? and LANs...? get her to iSeries

plus yeh if you guys like it fine, but it is a mass produced case, and it is a step in the right direction.. just dont stick some sort of wooden doll to it for crying out loud.

leave it as it is, even better make a window on the side.
Ok everyone is happy now - Neons case is superior for a pc, and isnt pink. Melm0's is furry and pink.

lol, by your use of mass produced every case is. Even if you make the whole thing the metal you used is still mass produced. What are you using as your definition of mass produced? The outcome is totally different from what we started with.

Like the window idea but it took like 2 hours to cut out the 120mm fan hole so a window would take even longer. maybe a project for sometime tho *anyone have a any unwanted beige cases*
Neon said:
you mean the silver/red lights... from mixing two into one?

there old pics dude, notice the HSF have changed is some of the thumbs.

bleh, more than one colour - even worse :p Lol, seriously though, give me the insides and I'm happy;)

Oh yeah, I don't think Neon was slating Melmo's gaming ability, so not really any need to go all on the defensive over that, just putting over opinions that's all. :)
all im saying is underneath that fur you have is a mass produced case. that has been either bought or came with a pc package. i have no idea on where you got the case.
And breathe :)

Mod = Great first mod looks cool and suits her personailty, mental :p

Nuff said so don't get personal everyone!

Neon chill out, ok your PC has the spec, but its got blue LEDs like so many other cases, just boring to me, not original at all.

Ok putting fur on a case may not be original but it takes a hell of a lot of effort to cut and shape fur to fit a case (who gives a damn if its mass produced) That case has had so much effort put into it by a large group of people and it makes us all proud that its done and its great to see Mel happy about it.

Neon why would you want a window in that case all you would see its 1/2 a motherboard and the back of a PSU. It was for Mel and she doesnt like to see the insides of the PC to be honist, Pink and fury is just the best way to go if you a girl
(not meaning to be sexist before anyone says owt)


it can play Dawn Of War and Call Of Duty, so thats all it needs, no need for massive spec on a PC that will never play a game like Fear or Quake.

*edit- I have a beige case, not sure if it has a side panel...even better mod coming to mind, and its a celeron just like the pink one :D

No competitors please
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