PINK MOD! What you've been waiting for!!

so what it has blue CATHODES in not leds...

and woah hang on, dont give me looks boring to me you put cathodes in your case because i remember your thread on it. and its the same case as mine, bored of looking at your case.

oh noes!
Not needed sagaboy2 really.

We have all established whats going on so lets calm it down please!

And sagaboy2 back of Neon's case.

And Neon - Chill. Everyone - Chill.
lol. Any ideas on a quick and cheap way to get the CPU a bit more up to par as its holding the system back. I've been thinking of ways to do it but mostly it means upgrading pretty much everything :(

Also what more mods shall we do?

p.s. anyone managed to get one of those USB Xmas trees/mince pies this year?
This thread has degraded into a bit of a pitiful argument between school kids, I'll just say that in the flesh I think this was quite a refreshing mod to attempt. I'm tempted to get a beige case and mod it, although within reality - to try get it looking a bit lian-li esque. :)

Oh & What socket is the celeron Sandy?
Yeh I have a 2.4ghz p4 with ht, as well as a 2.8ghz - not sure I'd be able to let it go, not just yet anyways. I'll be upgrading in the future possibly february/march so if you've not found anything you can take it then.
Yewen said:
With added dust, as I cant work out personally how Melm0 is going to be able to keep it dust free.

Get a pair of tights, chop up and stretch over the inside of the fans... will keep the dust out :)

For the fur, I dont know... use a clothes brush or something :D
To be honist it doesnt give out that much fluff, its been trimmed around the fans and aslong as you dont really rub along the sides of the case, the fluff stays stuck to the case.

Although pink fan blades would look cool :p
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