Just received my first letter from Plusnet.
They say it's a specific complaint about a specific piece of content so I've opened a ticket to find out what that is.
It'll be interesting to find out.
I like owning content and I'm certainly willing to pay for any that has value to me. It'd be so easy to introduce an efficient system to combat this by giving the consumers what they want.
Recently, I am told I may enjoy Supernatural. It has 9 seasons. Now, I 'could' buy season 1 to try it but that's a risk. If I buy it cheap, and used then they get nothing anyway and buying new is too expensive.
So, I download the first 4-5 episodes. I enjoy it, so I order the entire box set on Bluray.
Give me a way to watch those episodes myself in HD for free and I'd have no reason to pirate.
You could even offer a trial period where you pay to access 4-5 episodes and if you are not happy you get refunded. If you are, you buy buy the season minus what you already paid.
Or 1 of 10 other methods they could introduce.
I suspect the complaint may be from Transformers comics via IDW. Maybe they ought to check my purchase history to see that I own 100s of the damn things. But the release schedules for them are very random, and often extremely long or constantly delayed over here.
If you're really into something, you tend ot be part of discussion bourds online etc so it makes it pretty hard to enjoy some of the social aspects of it if you can't access it legally for 6 months or more.
My Amazon pre-order list is FULL of comics and tv shows / movies that I've got downloaded. I own 120 movies on Bluray and countless tv series on box set. I've downloaded 100% of them before buying.
Before downloading...how many movies did I own on Bluray??? ZERO!
How many gigs did I go to per year? ZERO!
Since downloading a bunch of new music to try out I've seen so many bands all over the UK, and even in Germany. Hell I almost went to the US in March to see someone after downloading their albums.
I've also had all my mates present at many of them - none of whome would know the music if not for my downloading.
Honestly, IMO there is no argument against that.
I get that it won't be this way for everyone, but they really need to consider things on a more individual bases and they will soon see that HELPING consumers will combat piracy 10x more than trying to stop it and putting road blocks in the way.
Look forward to finding out who complained - I might tweet them a pic of all their other products I actually own including my amazon pre-order of the ones I downloaded. See what they make of that!