piracy? lets solve it with a letter!

I am currently with Talktalk, all I can say is, there are ways around this, Tor and Peer Gaudian to name 2. If it's just IP address tracking, anybody can download software to hide their IP address, I think mine says I'm in Mexico or Korea last I checked
I am currently with Talktalk, all I can say is, there are ways around this, Tor and Peer Gaudian to name 2. If it's just IP address tracking, anybody can download software to hide their IP address, I think mine says I'm in Mexico or Korea last I checked

I've always hear that all these methods slow down your internet down to dial-up speeds?
I am currently with Talktalk, all I can say is, there are ways around this, Tor and Peer Gaudian to name 2. If it's just IP address tracking, anybody can download software to hide their IP address, I think mine says I'm in Mexico or Korea last I checked

I think the point about this article is that we in the UK dont need to bother with any of that yet as these letters are meaningless.

However this is only because the music/film industry couldnt get anything better (well what they think is better) and see this as a foot in the door which will get ratcheted up over time. Next event will be to see if they bring the digital economy act in.
Read up on fair use.

I have an the British version is vastly different to the American version where it seems all you all to do is claim you aren't making a profit and cite the owner. Not quite as loose the UK version and is only there to protect schools and news reporters...

Copyright Law fact sheet P-09 : Understanding Fair Use
Issued: 5th July 2004
Last amended: 5th July 2004
What is fair use?
In copyright law, there is a concept of fair use, also known as; free use, fair dealing, or fair practice.
Fair use sets out certain actions that may be carried out, but would not normally be regarded as an infringement of the work.
The idea behind this is that if copyright laws are too restrictive, it may stifle free speech, news reporting, or result in disproportionate penalties for inconsequential or accidental inclusion.
What does fair use allow?
Under fair use rules, it may be possible to use quotations or excerpts, where the work has been made available to the public, (i.e. published). Provided that:
The use is deemed acceptable under the terms of fair dealing.
That the quoted material is justified, and no more than is necessary is included.
That the source of the quoted material is mentioned, along with the name of the author.
Typical free uses of work include:
Inclusion for the purpose of news reporting.
Incidental inclusion.
National laws typically allow limited private and educational use.
What is incidental inclusion?
This is where part of a work is unintentionally included. A typical examples of this would be a case where holiday movie inadvertently captured part of a copyright work, such as some background music, or a poster that just happened to on a wall in the background.
Points to keep in mind...
The actual specifics of what is acceptable will be governed by national laws, and although broadly similar, actual provision will vary from country to country.
Cases dealing with fair dealing can be complex, as decisions are based on individual circumstances and judgements. This can be a very difficult area of copyright law.
To avoid problems, if you are in any doubt, you are advised to always get the permission of the owner, prior to use.
UK fair dealing legislation
For specific details on fair dealing under UK law please refer to our factsheet P-27: Using the work of others.

None of that would allow the use of the avatars on this site.
I look forward to my letters. Software and some games is the only thing which won't be torrented by me. I believe in try and then buy which i do a lot and then i can play multiplayer usually too so win win
You only have to look at steam to realise people are screaming out for a convenient and value for money service, I used to pirate every game, now in the steam sales its easier for me to just buy them than faff around.

No one wants to spend 20quid for a blu-ray anymore.
Compete with piracy - don't try and legislate against it.

The studios need to live in the now maaannn!

Just received my first letter from Plusnet.
They say it's a specific complaint about a specific piece of content so I've opened a ticket to find out what that is.

It'll be interesting to find out.

I like owning content and I'm certainly willing to pay for any that has value to me. It'd be so easy to introduce an efficient system to combat this by giving the consumers what they want.

Recently, I am told I may enjoy Supernatural. It has 9 seasons. Now, I 'could' buy season 1 to try it but that's a risk. If I buy it cheap, and used then they get nothing anyway and buying new is too expensive.
So, I download the first 4-5 episodes. I enjoy it, so I order the entire box set on Bluray.
Give me a way to watch those episodes myself in HD for free and I'd have no reason to pirate.
You could even offer a trial period where you pay to access 4-5 episodes and if you are not happy you get refunded. If you are, you buy buy the season minus what you already paid.
Or 1 of 10 other methods they could introduce.

I suspect the complaint may be from Transformers comics via IDW. Maybe they ought to check my purchase history to see that I own 100s of the damn things. But the release schedules for them are very random, and often extremely long or constantly delayed over here.
If you're really into something, you tend ot be part of discussion bourds online etc so it makes it pretty hard to enjoy some of the social aspects of it if you can't access it legally for 6 months or more.
My Amazon pre-order list is FULL of comics and tv shows / movies that I've got downloaded. I own 120 movies on Bluray and countless tv series on box set. I've downloaded 100% of them before buying.

Before downloading...how many movies did I own on Bluray??? ZERO!

How many gigs did I go to per year? ZERO!

Since downloading a bunch of new music to try out I've seen so many bands all over the UK, and even in Germany. Hell I almost went to the US in March to see someone after downloading their albums.
I've also had all my mates present at many of them - none of whome would know the music if not for my downloading.

Honestly, IMO there is no argument against that.

I get that it won't be this way for everyone, but they really need to consider things on a more individual bases and they will soon see that HELPING consumers will combat piracy 10x more than trying to stop it and putting road blocks in the way.

Look forward to finding out who complained - I might tweet them a pic of all their other products I actually own including my amazon pre-order of the ones I downloaded. See what they make of that!
Blitz makes some excellent points, some of which I'd not really considered before. Makes me reevaluate my ideas on piracy really.
Look forward to finding out who complained - I might tweet them a pic of all their other products I actually own including my amazon pre-order of the ones I downloaded. See what they make of that!

Dear Mr Blitzwing,

We can see that you are a loyal fan and have bought £1000s of merchandise/BluRays but you still downloaded something you shouldn't have done. We are going to hunt you down and kill you.

Cmon scan the letter in dude ;)
Omit any personal details ofc

Free trials of Netflix n stuff are great for checking old TV shows.
Even more so with a VPN and accessing the US catalogs :)
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