Agreed. Orlando Bloom is a grade A poof. His acting throughout this trilogy has just felt all too fake (I liked him in LOTR however). The same can be said about Kiera Knightly along with her Queen's English accent being a major annoyance.
For me, just as he did in the previous two, Depp carries this film. Well, that may be a little harsh. I thought the story lines were good - how many movies these days can you see where you cant predict with 99% certainty what will happen? I also liked the action scenes in all the films, along with the special effects. In addition, some less notable roles I thought were played well, for example Captain Barbosa.
I would see this film just to watch Depp at the least. I still think this has been a great trilogy, its just a real shame that 2/3 of the main characters turned out to be the biggest disappointment.