Pirates of the Caribbean - At Worlds End *Possible Spoilers*

Just watched this today and words cannot adequately convey how cack this film is compared to the first two... I was so dissappointed it was a bit gutting.

The director obviously had absolutely no clue what he wanted to do with the third film... it's a complete mess imo. The first 1/3 of the film was ok... I was setting myself up for a good ride, then after that it all went downhill very quickly. The bit where Captain Jack is in the afterlife with all his clones, and the cuttlefish are dragging the ship forward was painful... absolutely painful... and the other parts of the film containing the other "hims" were also cringe-worthy and added nothing whatsoever to the plot. They could have done soooo much with the pirate battle at the end, and involved all of the cool and unique pirate clans that you saw in the meeting in a mass battle and really given you a feel for it all, but no... they decided to cut them out completely and instead have some utterly tripe battle between The Black Pearl and The Flying Dutchman that revolved around utterly stupid scenes of people swinging back and forth on ropes and other "humorous" antics that left me a bit stunned in their utter pantsness. I could go on, but would reveal too many spoilers.

A 6/10 film max, pretty damn shocking in almost every aspect if you take away the special effects. :(
sid said:
The fight scene in the whirlpool with the spinning ships is possibly one the best i've ever seen. stunning special effects there.

My thoughts exactly. This was the best sequence in the film. Utter chaos, could have been quite horrific to watch but it was entertaining. The marriage, to my suprise, was one of the coolest parts and worked so well - great scene.

Some of the characters really stood out for me this time.

The fat little guy (his mate is the dude with the fake eye) was just hilarious, really seemed to have a much funnier role this time round. Actually laughed out loud to just about anything he said in this film.

C.Y.Fat was probably the most pointless and dissapointing character, I'm still scratching my head a bit over why he was even in the film.

Richards was ok but there's been a bit to much hyper over what's really a flicker in terms of the running time.

God it's all making me want to install Monkey Island. Definitely worth watching, good film.
n3crius said:
My thoughts exactly. This was the best sequence in the film. Utter chaos, could have been quite horrific to watch but it was entertaining. The marriage, to my suprise, was one of the coolest parts and worked so well - great scene.

Jesus wept.
Richdog said:
Jesus wept.

Jesus wept at what? The fact that he disagrees with your opinion? Shame...

I've just been to see the film this evening and I was really glad that it was as good as it was. It wasn't absolutely mind blowing, but it was definitely well worth the money spent to watch it on the big screen. So many sequels and trilogy's turn out to be utter crap, but Pirates of the Carribean isn't destined to be one of them.

All in all I felt it was a worthy end to a great set of films. I'll definitely be getting the box set as they are all highly entertaining films. Really good fun to watch, the special effects are very good and Johnny Depp is one of the most talented actors of our time.
CHokKA said:
Jesus wept at what? The fact that he disagrees with your opinion? Shame...

No need to start swinging your keyboard around schnookums, I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with me. I just happened to think his best bits were among my worst bits. ;)
Richdog said:
No need to start swinging your keyboard around schnookums, I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with me. I just happened to think his best bits were among my worst bits. ;)

Hardly swinging my keyboard around mate. I was merely commenting on your choice of words given his reply.

At the end of the day it all comes down to personal opinion, and anyone that posts on an internet forum should have realised by now that differences of opinion will always exist.

Regardless, I really enjoyed the film and would definitely see it again for good entertainment. That's simply my opinion.
I like to think I have a pretty good taste in films but I really don't know how anyone could have liked pirates of the caribbean 2. I went to see the first one without knowing anything about it, I'd never even heard of it back then and thought it was very good. The second one I had some expectations there after the first, but thought it was one of the most boring and stupid kids films I've ever seen. I saw it with 2 mates and they felt exactly the same, we were just bored out of our brains in there. I wanted to see part 3 because I can't possibly see it being worse then the second, but at 3 hrs I really don't know if I can take that much torture. I know I will probably still go and watch it though :(
I saw it last night, was confused as hell through half of it but the ending with the battle is amazing, such good CGI!
A 6.5/10 from me as well, not on par with the first two films, depp seemed a bit bored, and the whole ridiculous bloom/knightly romance thing damn near ruined it for me.

In fact those two's endless procrastinating and over-british-acting was without a doubt the worst part of the trilogy for me.

All in all though, not bad.
Agreed. Orlando Bloom is a grade A poof. His acting throughout this trilogy has just felt all too fake (I liked him in LOTR however). The same can be said about Kiera Knightly along with her Queen's English accent being a major annoyance.

For me, just as he did in the previous two, Depp carries this film. Well, that may be a little harsh. I thought the story lines were good - how many movies these days can you see where you cant predict with 99% certainty what will happen? I also liked the action scenes in all the films, along with the special effects. In addition, some less notable roles I thought were played well, for example Captain Barbosa.

I would see this film just to watch Depp at the least. I still think this has been a great trilogy, its just a real shame that 2/3 of the main characters turned out to be the biggest disappointment.
****This does contain a spoiler sort of****

I am amazed at the number of positive reviews here. I thought it was awful. It was very long and quite hard to follow. It actually felt like the writers had no idea what to do with the story and were just making bits and piece s up as they were filiming it. One is example was Davy Jones' locker, no explanation about that at all and how the Black Pearl is now fully restored. The final fight scene was really good, but the rest of the film was terrible. I think I actually prefer Spiderman 3 even though was reasonably poor too.
Lucifurr said:
I am amazed at the number of positive reviews here. I thought it was awful. It was very long and quite hard to follow. It actually felt like the writers had no idea what to do with the story and were just making bits and piece s up as they were filiming it. One is example was Davy Jones' locker, no explanation about that at all and how the Black Pearl is now fully restored. The final fight scene was really good, but the rest of the film was terrible. I think I actually prefer Spiderman 3 even though was reasonably poor too.

Ditto... apart form I thought the final scene was a bit pap too. Fantastic effects, but god-awful scripting/choreography.
I thought it was pretty crap tbh. I sat down and for 40 minutes I was like wtf is going on here. Then I thought I reached a moment of clarity and then boom, nope couldn't follow what the hell was going on anymore.

Too long, too boring and I didn't need that marriage bit, not at all.
Really good film- Better than the 2nd not as good as the first but then which film ever is? (maybe waynes world 2!)

The 2nd & 3rd were written together and filmed nearly back to back so a lot of people on hear are way off with their comments -
CGI is amazing - battle at the end was great, but dissappointing that only the 2 ships were involved.

Was not that hard to follow so dont know why people were confused -there were just a lot of deals made between people!

Agree that it was a bit too long in the middle there though
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