Pirates of the Caribbean - At Worlds End *Possible Spoilers*

Not as good as the first - by a country mile!

Marginally better than the second - not difficult as IMO that was dire.

Leaves the viewer with an interesting dilemma - leave the brain at the door and enjoy the occasional flashes of wit and undeniably superb CGI, or take it in with you in the hope of following the over-convoluted plot.

Not a complete waste of 3 hours, but not a film to love.
Needed to be under 2 hrs easily - just didnt have the legs to support the final edit. Also I found it quite confusing nearer the end when the main team spilt and you had to follow what exactly was going on.

If there wasnt Depp in it (and tbh Jack the monkey) I would have said it was rubbish - all in all, its a Disney movie and it shows; like most trilogies the final part is always disappointing...

Bloom has to work out some day hes a rubbish actor and just to milk the Elves slant at LOTR bashes, Knightley just over-acted the relative bimbo role she had (why is she so important in this part and not the others?!?)...

The ending leaves it open for a 4th so we shall see - perhaps set around 10yrs in the future ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
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I thought the film was ok but not brilliant. I quite like the whole Jack Sparrow hallucination thing, it was a bit different at least..

Anyone else think the ending was completely unsatisfying? Jack loses his boat (but has a map to somewhere??), Will is condemned to an eternity of captaining the flying Dutchman, Keira gets a shag every 10 years but what does she do in-between? everyone she knows\loves is at sea or dead! Captain Barbosa gets the pearl, even though it was originally Jacks ship? what’s going on? Oh, and why did the Endevour not fire any of its 80 or so guns when it was in-between the Pearl and the Dutchman??
I would actually say it was on a par with the first movie, and a lot better than the second. CGI was immense and acting was quite good all over, although nothing exceptional.

Jonny Depp wasn't as good as the first movie, although that might have been because he just wasn't in it as much as the the first two. I know some people rave about him, but to me he's just another actor. Bloom was ok, I think he's getting better, but nothing special, whilst I found Knightley was starting to get irritating with all her "rallying" speeches. The ending was quite crap, but does leave it open for another movie after that.
there was like 5 scenes, all about 30 mins long. film was wayyyy too long in general!

the cgi was great and there was some funny bits but overall, it was very average
Just seen this and what a pile of cack!! The special effects were good but the story was pretty dismal. Now, just need to find a time machine and go back to stop myself wasting 3 hours of my life. Either that or carry on drinking all the remaining beer in my fridge to blot out the memory :)
I wasn't too impressed with the film. It was ok to watch, but the ending really disappointed me. The second film really felt like it was just setting the scene for the third, but then they didn't really do much with it. The last scene with Calypso just seemed so stupid - they made a huge deal about her and Davey Jones, then it just fizzled out. I didn't see the point in all of the other pirate lords either, because they didn't fight or really do anything.

I think, like Spiderman 3, they were just trying to cram too much into one movie and it definately suffered for it.
Well that was as expected really. Not an awful film but just never really took off at all. Was a bit weird in places like Davey Jones' locker but I managed to understand it all.

The fight at the end, great to look at - but the whole getting married thing whilst fighting just made me physically sick. Keira Knightley, as talented and beautiful as she is, was just NOT the right person to give the speech she did on the ship to all the pirates. That was the kind of speech you give to a strong male character, not a weedy girl. Just the things she said... You can tell the writers were just trying to write a memorable speech for her to spout out, and it just didn't work.

Best bits in the film were with Jack Sparrow and Barbosa, who I thought was very good. That bit with the telescopes cracked me up a lot and there was another bit where Barbosa was yelling AARRRRRRRREEEEE and Sparrow just said 'are' like a normal person. Had me in stitches.

Seen plenty worse films, but plenty better.


Oh, and I stayed till after the credits to see the extra bit. If anyone plans to do this, I recommend you don't waste your time. Strange how Keira hadn't aged one bit....
Barboa needs a film all to himself... he carried this for me, he was everything a pirate captain should be and more in every respect. He played a MUCH better part than Jack Sparrow, and i'd love to see him in his own adventure.

Proper pirate, that guy. :D
Another sequal could be a great film if it was just Barbosa / Jack / Pirate Crew. I have a feeling however that they will use the most dubious plot lines to make sure Knightly and Bloom are in it as well :(

Just a little bump here so I can voice my opinion.

World's End and Dead Man's Chest are very mediocre compared to the original. They're both cash-in's on the success of the first movie. Whilst they aren't terrible, I feel like there are lots of holes you could pick in them that simply aren't there in the first.

So in short it's not great, not terrible and no where near as good as the first.


Someone tell me what this is about. Becket wants to get to the Pirates Cove (or whatever it's called), so he keeps Jack alive. Now Becket is in control of Davy Jones, who was a member of the original Brethren, so he'd already have access to the location of the cove not to mention the power to overcome it.


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The first one was OK, the second was awful, this last one was an utter mess. The "jokes" were puerile, it was too long, Depp was intensely irritating, Bloom was inconsequential, Knightly had no presence and is vastly over-rated anyway.

It was a film for 12 year olds IMO, 12 years old who had nothing better to spend their cash on that is.
I'm glad some sensible reviews started to come in from about halfway down the thread... the ones at the top enthusing about how amazing it was must be watching a completely different film... or just have awful taste. :p
Richdog said:
I'm glad some sensible reviews started to come in from about halfway down the thread... the ones at the top enthusing about how amazing it was must be watching a completely different film... or just have awful taste. :p
Or be written by 12 year olds :D
I am thinking this will may be like The Matrix trilogy. First one awesome, second two watched by themselves a year apart mildly entertaining and nothing more.

However watch all 3 back to back and its awesome.

They did film Potc2&3 at the same time.
I can't say how bored I was in the cinema watching this film. Everyone in the cinema had no patience with it - not because we have a short attention span but because the whole film was story story story story with no action right until the last breath. The last acton scene was fantasic though, and is really the only reason I can give the film 4/10. It really looked as though I was watching the unedited version. Every scene was way too long and everyones motives for what they wanted were so hard to follow.

It's such a disappointing film and for those arguing it's not a cash in, then listen to the writers commentary on POTC Dead Mans Chest, where they are basically saying in diluted words so not to be sacked, that they were being pushed into writing it, had never finished the script when they were filming, and were too pressured with it.

Also - who the hell told Orlando Bloom he could act?
the whole film was story story story story with no action right until the last breath

Totaly agree, it was rubbish!!! They wasted Davy Jones character with the whole love business and it felt that Jonny Depp was playing Jack abit to hard. I think there was only 1 or 2 bits in the movie that i laughed at his antics. And i was expecting somthing big at the end but was kinda let down.

I loved the first two but this didnt even come close.

Ok ok, the special FX were fantastic, there you go, something nice about it.. ;)
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