Pirates of the Caribbean - At Worlds End *Possible Spoilers*

Oh btw I should have said this in my earlier post - something really mental was happening in our cinema during the film and I wonder if anyone else experience this...

Maybe it's because it was the opening and a lot of the fans were in the audience, I don't know. Basically there was the stuff I'd expect, quite a few 'Har Harr's going around (seemed like a huge chain reaction when someone started it off), I laughed at these when they happened. That was actually normal.

But, nearly half the audience was screaming and clapping as the film kicked off. Me and the misses just kinda looked at each other in amazement. I thought you reserved this stuff until the end. Anyway, this really continued through the film. Any romantic scene was acommpanied by loads of people wolf whisteling, independently, as though everyone was of the same mind in the room. It just seemed pretty odd. Don't think I've ever seen so many people in a cinema get that excited during a film and all start screaming about it.
n3crius said:
Maybe it's because it was the opening and a lot of the fans were in the audience, I don't know. Basically there was the stuff I'd expect, quite a few 'Har Harr's going around (seemed like a huge chain reaction when someone started it off), I laughed at these when they happened. That was actually normal.

But, nearly half the audience was screaming and clapping as the film kicked off. Me and the misses just kinda looked at each other in amazement. I thought you reserved this stuff until the end. Anyway, this really continued through the film. Any romantic scene was acommpanied by loads of people wolf whisteling, independently, as though everyone was of the same mind in the room. It just seemed pretty odd. Don't think I've ever seen so many people in a cinema get that excited during a film and all start screaming about it.

Wtf... that certainly didn't happen when I watched it. :D
I went today..

Was a little hard at time's to keep up! But overall I thought it was a good film, a lot to follow. Had a good laugh at some points and beware it's so long you'll never feel the clench of your butt cheeks again!

2 out of 10.

I closed my eyes several times and virtually fell asleep at least once.

Honestly it was a load of rubbish. We were in hysterics as we left the cinema.

"Pirates of the Carribean: at Wit's end" - I coined that as I came out of the cinema :cool:

The first one was legendary....what have they done :( :( :(

Edit: and what the hell were all those sugar cubes about?!
Beansprout said:
2 out of 10.

I closed my eyes several times and virtually fell asleep at least once.

Honestly it was a load of rubbish. We were in hysterics as we left the cinema.

"Pirates of the Carribean: at Wit's end" - I coined that as I came out of the cinema :cool:

The first one was legendary....what have they done :( :( :(

Edit: and what the hell were all those sugar cubes about?!

Yay someone with sense! :D
Just got back from watching it, thought it was crap. After Spider 3, then this I said I'd probably wait for Oceans 13 to turn up on cable...
Ricochet J said:
Infact that last scene with the Black Pearl and Endower (sp?) was fantastic!


I saw this on Friday and thought it was fantastic. Anyone who thought it was too long have absolutely no patience.
SiriusB said:

I saw this on Friday and thought it was fantastic. Anyone who thought it was too long have absolutely no patience.

I have tons of patience, I can sit through a Star Wars/LOTR marathon without batting an eye-lid. Some films just don't deserve to be long due to miserable content... POTC 3 is one of them.
I thought the film was OK, as most people have said. The end fight scene was the most entertaining part with a few funnys through out.

Was it just my local cinema that had a 15 minute intermission half way through? I can't recall this happening when i watched other long films back in Scotland such as LOTR.
I watched this last Saturday at Bluewater, and it was awful. Ep. 1 & 2 had more comedy, more fun, more everything. Ep 3 far too long with too much dialogue. I really wanted to like Ep3 but found it very distracting for the wrong reasons.

K.N. as a King Pirate just didnt work, she was irritating, and her voice does not command well. Still most guys wont worry about her voice ey :D
atpbx said:
3 hours of pirate related tedium.

1 out of 10.

Did you even watch the previous two?

If so and you don't like pirate films, why watch this one? :confused:

If you haven't seen the previous two, i ask the same question .. why watch this one? :p
Shvankin said:
Did you even watch the previous two?

If so and you don't like pirate films, why watch this one? :confused:

If you haven't seen the previous two, i ask the same question .. why watch this one? :p

Because get this, the first one was fantastic.
I went to the pictures to see it, and have it on DVD.

I then had to take my boy to see the second one and to be honest i was quite excited as well, if it was only half as good as the first one ill be in for a treat.
Yes thats right, it WAS only half as good as the first one, unfortunatly it turned out to be not as much of a treat as i hoped for.

Yesterday i had to go again, (my boy is nine) and for 3 hours i sat through a meaningless mishmash of pirates, characters that are there one minute and gone the next, pointless sub plots and a film and franchise that has truly disapeared up its own bottom.

In fact because you have actually asked a stupid question I'm going to mark it down a point.

Without merit, 0 out of ten.
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n3crius said:
Oh btw I should have said this in my earlier post - something really mental was happening in our cinema during the film and I wonder if anyone else experience this...

Maybe it's because it was the opening and a lot of the fans were in the audience, I don't know. Basically there was the stuff I'd expect, quite a few 'Har Harr's going around (seemed like a huge chain reaction when someone started it off), I laughed at these when they happened. That was actually normal.

But, nearly half the audience was screaming and clapping as the film kicked off. Me and the misses just kinda looked at each other in amazement. I thought you reserved this stuff until the end. Anyway, this really continued through the film. Any romantic scene was acommpanied by loads of people wolf whisteling, independently, as though everyone was of the same mind in the room. It just seemed pretty odd. Don't think I've ever seen so many people in a cinema get that excited during a film and all start screaming about it.

Were you watching it in America? Maybe some yanks in the audience :confused:

I had exact same thing happen when I saw Underworld2 I think it was. Might have been Bourne Supremacy. Very VERY weird.
Really disappointed with this film. Thought the first was great and the second was too... with the ending being annoyingly brill. But too much going on in this one and far too long.. I was sooo thirsty for a drink but I couldn't leave :(

Am glad we ate beforehand as I would have collapsed otherwise.

Found Keira irritating and the whole multitudes of Jack Sparrows a bit cringeworthy and I thought POTC was more than that. There was too much going on at once and I found myself going 'wtf is going on?!' and asking my bloke what things were several times because you had to remember lots of stuff from the other movies.

In the past when I have seen trilogy style movies, more than most of the time you didn't have to see the first or second ones to understand the third and they were films in their own rights... but not this.

4/10 - boring and very WTF?!

BB x
frakker said:
Can't see the point in an interval to be honest? Unless they know full well that the film can't hold people's interest for near three hours of course...

:eek: she has an interval?! No fair!! I could have done with a drink yesterday!!!

BB x
THought it was OK, i missed jacks wit though, it was as present as in others. Very slow at the start and then it felt rushed towards the end.

A good film, but not nearly as good as the first.
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