Wired review... Ouch.
That's a proper kicking there, and exactly what I feared, not to mention I couldn't physically wear them in the same way I couldn't wear AirPods or their wired equivalent. Reads like a trashing of the whole idea, and bit just Google's arguably poor 1st Gen delivery...
I appreciate that you have concluded that Pixel Buds are not for you, much like the author of the Wired article concluded the same for him.
However the Wired writer omits one key point. He believes that nothing can change or improve on the version 1 Pixel Buds.
His opening para gives away his point of view about Pixel Buds. To wit, he asks whether he wants a "smart voice assistant in your ear" and he answers no. Wut? Why buy the product or review it if that is not one of the reasons to own it?
He says that they are not good wireless headphones yet apart from telling us that they do not fit comfortably into his ears (are his ears that difficult to fit?), he does not discuss the sound quality with any authority. Wut? Review a wireless headphone and not talk about sound output?
Other things to nitpick with the reviewer:
....that he does not see the need for a voice assisted headphone as he is just as happy to reach into his pocket all the time and achieve the same result with his phone. Wut? I can think of a number of instances where I would prefer a voice assisted headphone, esp when my hands were busy doing something else (cooking, driving, etc).
.....that he was frustrated he could not send a What's App message to Susanna successfully. Could it be because initially Google wants to concentrate on its messaging app or the equivalent on the iPhone rather than Facebook's? Could a software update sooner rather than later fix this problem with Google working behind the scenes with Facebook to get a fix? Perhaps he could have tried sending either a text or a Google Hangout first to see if that worked? As a Pixel owner, I know about software OTA updates to improve performance but he simply ignores this possibility. Why?
....he appears to be more concerned about being seen as a moron using his voice in public than appreciating that voice activation of devices also in public is a growing phenomenon.
.....his criticism of Google Translate seems half-hearted. Did he actually test the feature or just pull out his comment from thin air? I could not tell.
.....the "hoops" he has to jump through with the "user interface" seems to suggest he is not a fan of Google Assistant in general and Google Home in particular. I assume that what works well for me in my communication to date on GA and GH will work well on Pixel Buds. You could say I understand the interface well now as I have been using GA/GH for many months now, both at home (with a number of smart home apps), office and outside in public. It really is not that difficult to do. But it seems he has been unable to crack this simple task.
.....he makes a big point of the fact that the other reviews he read have all been written by males and not females. The implication being that the Pixel Buds design and implementation could have used a woman's input. Does he actually know the design team and engineering team at Google that created this product? Or is his knowledge of the input based solely on who presented the product prior to launch at Google I/O?
So bottom line: I appreciate yours and his concerns but I will test them myself starting with delivery next week and see how easy or difficult they are to use and what pleasure I derive from them before deciding how relevant his concerns really are. And I will be especially interested in the sound quality too.