Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

so overall consensus is worth picking up for £13.99 yeah?

Its an awesome game for a bit of a laugh, its a nice change from the k/d ratio games like BF4 (you only see how many kills everyone has) and I haven't found myself getting stressed from being killed at all.

I actually find the mics being turned on all the time kinda funny, if you go into the match and just start chatting rubbish (which I usually do) you can get some quite funny conversations going on.

For £14 yeh defo worth it :)
so overall consensus is worth picking up for £13.99 yeah?

No. Unless they have addressed the server issues and pushed out the patch that they promised a week ago. But Origin Mexico is cheaper and if you don't like it you can get a refund within 24 hours.

I just bought it :) Didn't even realise it was out and for £14 + 2 lots of DLC it was a no brainer really.

Depends what you define as DLC such as map packs but it's not traditional dlc
Either way the game was £30 for the base game on Origin, £20 on kinguin or £14 on simplycdkeys with 2 pieces of DLS (traditional DLC or not)
Anyone have issues with this last night? I was getting disconnected all over the place, Speed run event would not work and lag...oh the lag :(
Every time i launch this, all it says is i need to be signed into origin, which i am.
Is anyone else having this issue, or found a way to get it to work? I almost bought a code for this last night but very glad i didnt if this is the way its performing!
Thanks for the reply, ive not got anything running when trying to launch the game as i read programs like afterburner and firewalls etc might cause problems. Theyre all off or not running so chuff knows thats going on :(
no issues for me on 2 or 3 different machines - you need to be logged in Origin. No disconnects or lag.

ps great game
I had massive issue caused by EVGA precision.

If you have problems try disabling this or Afterburner if your using it.

Thanks that worked. I'm enjoying the game but it's an obvious console port with **** match making features. I don't think Popcam gave any thought to PC features and I am not talking about graphical options here.
Thanks that worked. I'm enjoying the game but it's an obvious console port with **** match making features. I don't think Popcam gave any thought to PC features and I am not talking about graphical options here.

well when it first came out they didn't have any option to disable mics!

So for the idiots who didn't know they had a mic (laptops etc) you could hear everything they say.

Amusing at times, annoying 99% of the other times :rolleyes:
Having played the free origin version the mic problem is still there. Luckily I stopped playing until I found a way to block other people's mics but it does show how annoying some kids can be whilst playing.
In fact I've just asked my son if he's muted his mic as he gets quite irate when he dies :)
well when it first came out they didn't have any option to disable mics!

So for the idiots who didn't know they had a mic (laptops etc) you could hear everything they say.

Amusing at times, annoying 99% of the other times :rolleyes:

Bit of a violation of privacy. :/
And a quick res of the thread.
Just bought this for me and my son as it was cheap :)
We played it fine when the free weekend was running but now we've got the full version he can't connect to the EA servers...
I can connect fine, we're both on the same network/modem.

Any thoughts?
The only change I've made to his PC is update to the latest graphics drivers (AMD 5850) as it wouldn't let him play without updating first.

#edit# Just right clicking on the game icon in Origin I thought I'd verify game files and check it was up to's now started a big update. I wonder if the free version was such a long time ago the files hadn't been patched correctly...let's see what happens....

#edit 2# yay. That worked. He will be happy tomorrow.. :)
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