I have a 610 but really want the 620 as I have a thing for metrics lol, im so not fit for london been off the running for 6 weeks with labrythitis which makes me dizzy so I cant do **** all its depressing, going to make a call depending on how the Surrey half goes in March
I was considering entering that half marathon myself, but I'm doing the Croydon half a couple of weeks later, and on top of the Richmond half on the 23rd of February, I don't want to push my luck.
With regards to the Garmin; I am also a sucker for data, and the 620 gives you a lot of it. I think being able to see a trend of gradual improvement is a powerful motivator for people like me, so having lots of statistics is good on that front. As
IndigoGorilla said, you can
defer your London entry, so that should reduce the stress of worrying about being ready in time.
Ah Saundie, think you may have pushed me towards getting a new Garmin myself now. Not the 620 however the 220.
What do you mean by your Wireless AP? Is this something that comes with the 220 too? I did definitely want the 220 but then realised the watch/phone pairing is only on iPhone at the moment. That said if it works with the computer too then I'd be interested as it's less faffing around then it currently is.
I have a Forerunner 205 at the moment and it's satellite lock takes almost five minutes sometimes, not good/
The 620 can connect to your wireless router/AP and upload your activities directly to the Garmin site. You only need to connect it to a computer in order to set up the wireless connection the first time. After you've done that, you simply press the connect button when you're within range of your wireless router and it uploads any new activities for you. This was a big draw for me simply because the USB cable on the Forerunner 210 can be very fiddly to get working - sometimes it would take longer than 10 minutes for me to get it connected to the computer, and that's just frustrating.
The Forerunner 220 doesn't support connecting to a wireless router/AP, however it does support connecting to an iPhone for uploading activities. Apparently Android support is on the way, but it could be a while, and will probably be limited to a small selection of phones. If you have an iPhone and don't care about the running dynamics stuff (the vertical oscilation and ground contact time) then you may as well go for the 220, as it's £100 cheaper. From what I've read the 220 will get a satellite lock just as quickly as the 620 (DCRainmaker says as much in his
review), so if that's your main reason for upgrading then you'll probably be very happy with it.
Oh, and one other advantage of the 620 over the 220; it's available in orange and white, which is just better than boring old black