Only 3k! They said start small!
I've got a colleague at work who runs in them and he's the same size as me - I've wanted to try it for some time and I'm too tight to shell out for a pair of shoes just for a go so he lent me his to see how I got onWhat made you go for the barefoot shoes out of interest? I know there are a lot of people raving about them (and similarly not the 'maximalist' shoes (hoka's)). I just can't imagine myself ever running in them though as they just look like they'll do more damage than good.
I've got a colleague at work who runs in them and he's the same size as me - I've wanted to try it for some time and I'm too tight to shell out for a pair of shoes just for a go so he lent me his to see how I got on
I maintain that they aren't for everyone, despite what the research/theory says. I can do it, but... I think if you naturally land mid or forefoot and you're relatively light, then you can adapt to forefoot running; for anyone who is a natural heel striker or a heavier build then it's going to be a horrible transition, unnatural for the way you automatically run and unlikely to suit you.
Surrey Half yesterday, looked good up until midway, PB for 5K & 10K then my left ITB went ended up finishing 2:20 considering my PB is 1:42 you can tell how broken I was, now my london is in jeopardy
What do you think you'll end up doing? And is London a trip you'll need to travel much for or are you local?
If you were traveling for it and paying for a hotel etc if not already booked then I'd be inclined to defer and save potential costs.
If your local then I'd be inclined to wait even until the day before and see how you feel about it. You can defer the day before and do it next year instead.
Remember that the marathon is always there to be done, if it's your first one or even your first chance at London I wouldn't ruin the experience by not doing yourself the justice I'm sure you know you can.
Either way it's a real shame the half didn't go as expected but all the best and I hope your back to your best sooner rather than later.
What are peoples opinions a 1 or 2 leg sessions in the gym per week consisting of squats/deadlifts/lunges. Looking more towards 4 to 5 sets of 16 to 20 reps.