I started running a few days ago, I've only ran twice 1 mile each time, My first run was great woke up the next legs felt fine, ran again last night, the run its self felt fine, got home felt fine, woke up with a pain in my left ankle/foot when i walk, doesn't hurt at all unless i walk on it, i can't quite pinpoint if its my ankle or not, feels similar to the feeling you get with a sprain that you can walk off in a couple of mins only this won't walk off, its a sharp shooting pain if i walk on my heel there is no pain and to walk on my heel makes me look like i'm injured
My first run was in a pair of nike air max 90, these felt really comfortable but as they are pretty new i decided to use an old pair of other nikes not sure on model but i think they might be basketball trainers
, after i started running i noticed they where not as comfortable, they felt hard with not much cushioning, I decided to finish my run and not use them again!
I think those shoes might have had something to do with my ankle pain along with being a beginner making me more susceptible to injury, Before i run again im certainly going to get fitted with some dedicated running shoes and im just hoping my ankle heals quickly and isn't anything serious, i will also be taking it easy for a few weeks until my body adapts as i literally haven't ran for about 15 year's before this.