Looking at your Strava link, the GPS is incredibly noisy and inaccurate, zig zaging everywhere. While not perfect it should keep close to the roads and most dead on. What device are you using? As even the cheapest GPS watches should do better, and most honest should be good as well.https://www.strava.com/activities/1407302125
Had a little worrying moment on my run though. On way along canal, I see a women and her dog walking up ahead, the owner walking just a little in front of her dog. Now this dog was pretty big (I'm not an expert but it could have been a german shepherd), it was pottering around and I always feel a little nervous going past dogs as I just don't trust them.
So this dog stops and looks my way, sees me approaching and just bolts straight at me, coming up really close to me barking like a mad man. I was worried enough I put up my arm and hand up as a guard in case it actually did lunge at me. We started going round in circles as the dog circled me, so I was always facing the dog. The dog was doing that lunging motion but didn't actually go to bite. It didn't feel playful and it didn't feel aggressive like it wanted to attack or bite me, felt more like the dog was being aggressively protective.
The owner ran back and got her dog under control and was very apologetic about the whole thing. I wasn't bothered so much but I can see how it could have ended badly should that someone have been frightened of dogs.
Another note on today, so I had a good run yesterday and I went out again today. Each time I was to stop for second (had to be careful due to being extremely muddy and large puddles) my knee caps literally felt like they was going to collapse. Running helped that go away and I managed to run home. Anyone else had this? Did I leave it too early to go running again or do I need to strengthen that area?
Last note for this post, why does MapMyRun give me a different millage to Strava? I usually plan any new routes on MapMyRun first but I don't know which is more accurate.
Yesterdays Run:
MapMyRun: 6.46 miles
Strava: 7.10 miles
Today's Run:
MapMyRun: 4.54 miles
Strava: 5.80 miles
Looking at your Strava link, the GPS is incredibly noisy and inaccurate, zig zaging everywhere. While not perfect it should keep close to the roads and most dead on. What device are you using? As even the cheapest GPS watches should do better, and most honest should be good as well.
Samsung Note 4, I don't know if it's just the phones GPS getting worse as it's aging. I am having eMMC issues with the phone and have to use an app to keep it communicating so it doesn't shut down. So it's on its last legs now and I don't know how much longer it'll have left. Looking at some of my other previous runs, it seems to have coped better with the GPS, so maybe just a bad day?
I've been wanting to save up to buy something like a Garmin 235 but just haven't the money for it yet, so it'll have to wait.
Think my run last night had more elevation gain than the entire marathon does though. One of the perils of living here is that there isn't really anywhere that you can go that is flat all the way! I am told that hills are my friend but they are that sort of friend who you fall out with on the night and then forgive them in the morning
Probably better to do that than risk injuring yourself.
My longest run ever last night. I just wish it would (a) Stop Raining (b) Stop being cold (c) Stop being dark
Managed 26km in 3hr 2min so that kind of puts me around 5hr point for the Marathon (9 Weeks to go now)
Think my run last night had more elevation gain than the entire marathon does though. One of the perils of living here is that there isn't really anywhere that you can go that is flat all the way! I am told that hills are my friend but they are that sort of friend who you fall out with on the night and then forgive them in the morning
Haha D.P, your posts just make the rest of us mortals feel worse. Must be terrible to only be able to grind out 19 miles
Sounds very similar to where i live. I'll sometimes head down to the canal and run along there for a flat run, but it gets boring running in one direction then turning round and doing the same thing backwards. I prefer to try and do a loop
Also meant to ask you, i'd spotted you'd posted in the cycling forum too. How do you find cycling compliments your running? I've just bought a turbo trainer to give me a bit more flexibility on training when it's miserable and i can't be bothered going for a run.
Wondering what would be best to try and do, long rides at a moderate pace or try and do more of a Tabata style training of high intensity followed by a break.