Well the guy on 200+ marathons (probably 230 by now), is reitred and that is all he does. Race, travel to next race, repeat.
150+ miles a week are pros, or at least semi-elite guys that tend to work part time at a running store so they can run more etc.
But there are lot of dedicated sub-elite that have a career but are either single, or have an incredibly understanding spouse.
But when there is a will there is a way. I know a single Mum with a full time job that does evening classes that still racks up 80-90 mile weeks. Friends, neighbours and family help out babysitting. Also many gyms offer baby sitting services, and I know some people who just pay for a baby sister several times a week to get extra runs in.
Other people cope on very little keep. I know countless dedicated runners and triathletes who get up at 4am to get in 2-3 hour work outs before going to the office.
You can run very early 5am alarm, run at lunch, run at 9pm when kids are asleep. Run commuting as well, leave the car behind and run 12 miles to work, uber back home, etc.
I'm lucky in that i work form home so use the commute time to run. But I also don't really have a lunch break, and add ups some hours on evenings and weekends. that flexibility I love, do a 3 hour run on friday and add 2 hours work Sunday afternoon and an hour Friday night etc.