It's obviously not been a particularly good year for people entering races, but after several years of barely running at all, it's been a great year for me getting back into running.
I've not even tried to set any decent times all year, but I am on target to complete 2020km in 2020 (completely arbitrary goal). Really enjoying just being back running and able to head out for the occasional 3hr+ run in the hills when time allows.
How's everyone else's year been?
Good work, my initial target was 1000 miles as i think last year was around 720. So this was a sizeable step up. I'm currently on 1085 with 3 weeks left, so likely hit around 1200. I did join the Strava challenge for 2020km in 2020, but had 2 months where i only did around 60 miles which hit me on that front. July saw me hit 160 miles though which absolutely smashed any previous bests and i've regularly been over 100. Prior to this year i peaked around 70 so it's been a big step up.
I also signed up for my first Ultra which was due in October which was cancelled. So it's a shame that never happened, but i've made an effort to try and get out running on trails where i can and explore a few new places, makes such a difference to just running on the same road loops all the time.
Also finally got my 5k under 25 mins and my 10 just under 52 mins which i'm happy with. I'm still not a fast runner by any means but my "easy" pace has come down from 10 mins to 9:10 or so, which feels good.