did manage a decent run tonight though - my longest ever - 15km- 1hr25
absolutely shattered now
Good effort! Training for anything in particular?
Pacing yourself can be quite hard to begin with and its easy to blast out at the start and gas quickly. Until you can run between piers in one direction without stopping then slow your pace down more. It will feel like you are hardly running but you will find your times will actually be quicker with a constant slower pace than with a quick pace and stopping halfway through for a rest.
Once you can run the 1.5 miles without stopping, you cam start increasing the pace or, alternatively, up the distance. 3 miles is practically 5K which is a nice distance. Do this without stopping and then start increasing the pace.
TBH I wouldn't set a distance based program to begin with but do a time based program e.g. run for 30 mins setting the pace so that you can maintain it for 30 mins without stopping. Once that is achievable, increase the pace (which inherently increases the distance) until you are happy with your progress.
This gets the body accustomed to a constant workout of 30 mins.
A reasonable goal to begin with is 5K in 30 mins then start to bring the time down by increasing the pace or, alternatively, up the distance by 10% a week and tray and get a 60 min 10K (without stopping) and then bring the time down.
Bear in mind that your distance will dictate your pace eventually as you wont run a half marathon in the same pace (min/mile) as you would a 5K as you could blitz a 5K at 7:30/mile but your half marathon might be 10min/mile just because of the distance.
I guess others will come along with more experience than me but that's how I would start. Time based run i.e. 30 mins irrespective of distance until you get used to running and then, eventually distance based e.g. 10K with the aim of besting your previous times.
Had a slightly better and worse outing today. Worse, only ran for 23 minutes, 4.3km. Better, kept the same pace throughout (did have a slight slowdown in my previous 27min 4.77km), slightly quicker average of 5:14/km. To be honest I think I was just a little under nourished and tired.
Do you take anything pre-workout? I have around 30g of dextrose (glucose) mixed with water beforehand and find this helps a lot with energy levels.
Just a bottle of lucozade. Think it's worth using dextrose instead?