Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

I treated myself to a pair of Brooks Hyperion Elite for my Ironman and will justify burning the OnClouds next month for another pair of Brooks :)
Well i got out at dinner. A field i sometimes go through was massively overgrown with grass so i missed a path i normally follow through some woods which meant i had to cover about half a mile through an overgrown field of grass to my thighs, made for a tricky section effort wise.

Heat didn't feel too extreme but i did take it pretty easy and stopped to walk when my HR was creeping up.

The wife is away tomorrow night so currently planning a route to take a few hours.
Strava is absolutely trolling me at the moment.

I'm trying to create a route for tomorrow night.

I've created a rough route. Then think i'll play around with Elevation to see if it can jig it around.

By default it was set to 789ft of ascent, i ticked maximise elevation and it turned it to 822ft, then i changed it to minimise elevation and it went to 873ft. How on earth is 873 less than 822!

The distance changed slightly so i guess the 822ft version is slightly shorter and so ft/mile is higher maybe, but still seems baffling.
It is indeed. I decided to go out after 9pm last night and it was still too hot really. Only 5k so didn't take water etc, but did have it waiting on the drive at the end. Worst thing about it though, was having a shower afterwards, because you get out and just start sweating again!

I went out at about 9:30am for a 2 hour run. Was definite heat exhaustion setting in from about 10miles in despite drinking quite regularly but still managed a little over 14 miles, ended up on a hilly route too so walked sections of them.

Think the rest of the week I'll be heading out around 6am or so to avoid my normal lunch time runs.
Got a lovely 15 mile route lined up for tonight. I'm aiming to get out after work and just take it easy as it'll still be very hot. Have got my hydration pack in the fridge as we speak!

My wifes gone away for the night so i've not much else to do. Even if it takes 4 hours it'll fill the time nicely and just be nice to be out. The only downside is we've gone down to a single car so i have around 3 miles that i have to do on the road before i can venture into more entertaining terrain.

Would've been nicer to just be able to plot a 15 mile run on the trails in the South Lakes or somewhere, but it'll do.
Phew well that was tough.

Took around 3 hours to do 15 miles. Some wonderful trails though that I’ve never done before that I’ll definitely be using again and with a few little routes I’d like to explore further.

Feet are currently aching which is unusual for me. Maybe just the last 3 miles being downhill on the road whilst in trail shoes and the heat causing swelling.
Keep forgetting to keep up with this thread. I'm terrible.

I did a slow half on Saturday as my last longer run before Lakeland this weekend. I feel like I've got used to the heat now, only drank half a litre and felt fine, although my water was like drinking from the hot tap. I used to really struggle getting out the door when it's like this, much prefer shorts & tshirt in the snow!

Weather looks cooler this weekend so I'm hoping all the training in all conditions stands me in good stead now. Won't be challenging 8 hours the fast people run it in but hopeful to finish on the Saturday at least. Just finishing at all will be a win though.
Can anyone recommend a good pair of running shorts please, a pair with pockets?

I normally get some Nike Dri Fit but they only lasted about 5/6 month and they've worn right through on the thighs and are literally coming apart and I only do 20/30km a week so looking for a good pair at a reasonable price.

Keep forgetting to keep up with this thread. I'm terrible.

I did a slow half on Saturday as my last longer run before Lakeland this weekend. I feel like I've got used to the heat now, only drank half a litre and felt fine, although my water was like drinking from the hot tap. I used to really struggle getting out the door when it's like this, much prefer shorts & tshirt in the snow!

Weather looks cooler this weekend so I'm hoping all the training in all conditions stands me in good stead now. Won't be challenging 8 hours the fast people run it in but hopeful to finish on the Saturday at least. Just finishing at all will be a win though.

Good luck fella. One day I’ll get a place on that so be interested to hear your thoughts.
Can anyone recommend a good pair of running shorts please, a pair with pockets?

I normally get some Nike Dri Fit but they only lasted about 5/6 month and they've worn right through on the thighs and are literally coming apart and I only do 20/30km a week so looking for a good pair at a reasonable price.


My go to are Under Armour Launch 9. The only shorts which are the only shorts I’ve tried to stop my phone bouncing around.

I have 5 pairs now. Annoyingly they can be had for £18 at times and other times they’re £35!
Good luck fella. One day I’ll get a place on that so be interested to hear your thoughts.
Cheers mate, I'll deffo be back with a report. Likely I'll vow never again and the day after be looking to book the next one :D Seems really well supported and I get the sense of community around it so I'm not too worried.

Can anyone recommend a good pair of running shorts please, a pair with pockets?

I normally get some Nike Dri Fit but they only lasted about 5/6 month and they've worn right through on the thighs and are literally coming apart and I only do 20/30km a week so looking for a good pair at a reasonable price.


I'm the same as Martyn but the 7 inch versions. I have two pair since I started running 4 (i think) years ago and one pair is just showing signs of needing replacement.

On that subject I have just bought some cheap Higher State 2-in-1 shorts to try and I do like them but they only have a small pockets for keys & gels though. More comfortable than the mesh on the Under Armours shorts over a long distance.
I have just bought some cheap Higher State 2-in-1 shorts

I'm surprised some of you guys run in 'regular' shorts. I use 2 in 1 shorts too, small pocket for keys round the back so they don't bounce about either. Phone held tightly against your leg, but easy to get to.
I'm surprised some of you guys run in 'regular' shorts. I use 2 in 1 shorts too, small pocket for keys round the back so they don't bounce about either. Phone held tightly against your leg, but easy to get to.

I've had a few pairs of 2 in 1 shorts but not found any i like yet. I've found that the inner elastic parts will loose their stretch through regular use and then they're a bit wasted. I do have some under shorts base layer type shorts which i'll occasionally wear for long runs.
I have 2in1 shorts and then put phone in a running belt thing. Just started trying running best thing so I can carry water in this weather.
Well Nottingham Outlaw done, for those that don't know it's the same as a Ironman in terms of distance (bloody long)

Swim was fine, decided just to just take it easy as not done much swimming this year and lost the last 4 weeks due to getting knocked off the bike and a busted nose meaning I couldn't wear goggles 90mins which was bang on what I planned.

The bike leg was a disaster first gear change and the front derailleur decided to have a breakdown.... So cue the next 15mins doing a repair which forced me to be stuck in the big ring for the entire ride, then another 15 mins fixing the repair again. I did plan for a 6hr ride but ended up with 6hrs.26 and lots of matches burnt grinding out the big ring luckily it's not hilly course so pretty happy with the bike leg...

Now onto the run it was first 15k were fine, nothing to worry about then thigh muscles decided enough was enough and it was down run walk and more walk than run. A shocking run time 6hrs 17 and I paid the price for bike leg, was hoping for under 5 really.

The heat and humidity was draining and I was so glad of the finish line of 14hrs 43mins.
A brutal day and if anyone says let's do another long distance triathlon you can shuv it up your arse :)
Superb effort. I was reading one of the Vassos Alexander running books and he was commenting on the horrificness of the Nottingham Outlaw, similar to your conditions i think it had been unbelievably hot and he regular talked about wanting to just give up during the run.

The funny thing is that he talks about not running very well and then goes on to say he's running 8 minute miles! Some peoples slow is a lot different to mine!

How're you feeling now? I imagine pretty broken?
Hobbling like a old man, but at least I don't have to crawl to the toilet today and ask the mrs to help me get off it :)
Hobbling like a old man, but at least I don't have to crawl to the toilet today and ask the mrs to help me get off it :)

Haha i can imagine that being unpleasant. Mainly for her!

I'm a bit gutted, had seen a 50 mile event around Shropshire next month. It's mostly flat (only ~3500ft ascent), plus because there were still some spaces it was 20% off entry.

Was just about to book when i double checked our plans with the wife, only to find that we were busy that day :( Probably for the best in hindsight given my low volume of running recently but i feel desperate to tackle a 50 miler with most of mine keep being cancelled/pushed back.

Am off for a long run tonight. This months virtual challenge is to tick off bridges on the Leeds Liverpool canal. Need to hit 50 unique bridges in total. Most people have been doubling up and leaving cars to avoid having to duplicate, or getting lifts etc. However i'm miserable and prefer running solo so will be doing the ~12 mile section which ticks sufficient bridges and then turning round to get back to the car.

Need to try and stretch off plenty as by the time i finish work and get to the canal it'll be ~5:30 and then i estimate around 4.5-5hrs to do 24 miles with taking it easy so i won't get home/showered till late and then imagine my legs could easily seize up if i go straight to bed.
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