Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Note to self. Be more organised.

Was doing a few jobs at my sisters and on the way I messaged a mate to see if he fancied a late run up on the moors around Holcombe Hill when I was done which would be around 9ish.

Had grabbed my head torch at the last minute as I was leaving as was a late decision.

Set off running, turned the torch on and it immediately turned off again. Luckily my mates torch is incredible and lit up the area well enough for both of us.

Lovely being up on the moors in the dark like that with no one around for miles.
never done a night run like that, well unless you count yomping with 40lb on your back and rifle about 30 years ago, it was not fun then though.

Headtorch for the xmas list :)
Well looks like I have sports induced asthma. Tried an inhaler tonight and the difference was insane, up to 30sec faster per km and still felt fine could probably go a min faster but the legs need some strengthening. I'll need more runs to confirm but this would explain the tightness in my chest I've always had when running and the hitting the wall effect.
Out of interest, how does that compare vs just doing calf raises?

Helps to target the tibilas, which is ideal for me as I've struggled with shin splits for a good decade or so probably due to weak legs muscle,imbalances etc. Of course you can do body weight tibialis raises against wall but the tib bar allows you to apply a progressive load.

The bar has become popular these days due to Kneesovertoesguy , his vids are quite informative and without fluff.
Helps to target the tibilas, which is ideal for me as I've struggled with shin splits for a good decade or so probably due to weak legs muscle,imbalances etc. Of course you can do body weight tibialis raises against wall but the tib bar allows you to apply a progressive load.

The bar has become popular these days due to Kneesovertoesguy , his vids are quite informative and without fluff.

Might want to look at getting a sports massage also, the muscles are all interconnected and releasing knots at one place can have an effect on other places.
Might want to look at getting a sports massage also, the muscles are all interconnected and releasing knots at one place can have an effect on other places.

felt some lumps in the past which I imagine is scar tissue around the tendon and tried rubbing the knots out also scraping, which takes a bit of getting used to, but the results were temporary. Maybe a professional be best.

I enjoy trail running so hopefully I can get to a place were I can do it without consciously thinking of my shins before,during and afterwards.
Thankfully shin splints don't seem to be a problem for me anymore, also got the Ultraboost things and much better fit in 12 but lord are they a hideous colour, it's like a pink highlighter!

Might wait for the weather to turn and take thm on a muddy trail to take the shine off :p
Thankfully shin splints don't seem to be a problem for me anymore, also got the Ultraboost things and much better fit in 12 but lord are they a hideous colour, it's like a pink highlighter!

Might wait for the weather to turn and take thm on a muddy trail to take the shine off :p

Haha, i often have that problem as i always buy through Runners Need and they don't always have all the colour options, never quite end up with pink though!

I got out on the moors again last night, although i found a bag of sweets in the car which i demolished on the way to the start which left me feeling sick. I'm such a greedy **** sometimes.

I am often amazed at how well Strava and Garmin link though. I arrived at a place i often start but it was later than i'd intended and i didn't want to do the 14 miles i'd mapped so i used the Strava route creator to make me a 10 mile route. Clicked save on one and starred it, then opened the Garmin app and the map had synced over to Garmin straight away for loading onto my watch.

Set off, and then around 15 minutes into the run my watch beeped, i looked down and saw it was about to go into Power save mode and meant i hadn't started tracking the run which really annoyed me since i'm aiming for a mileage target this month. Carried on over the moors as the light started dropping. Luckily i had my head torch, but it was so foggy it reflected off the fog a lot. Took this shot around 8:45 on a nice flat bit. I know i sometimes say i hate running through bog, but i really enjoyed this, as you could still carry on a bit of pace.


After this it started descending which was pretty tricky, i had trail shoes on but i think really something like the Innov8 mud claw would be needed as i was still sliding a lot and couldn't really even jog the descents.

The map then took me into some woods, where it was virtually pitch black and foggy which made things interesting, however i don't know if it was just my watch or not, but i came to a T junction and the map on my watch seemed to show both directions coloured in. It was too dark to see enough to make a better decision, so i just turned around and ran back along the road. Probably only did a little over 7 miles in total which was a bit disappointing.
Still think fell runners are insanely fit breed of people, briefly chatted to one when I did Ben Lomond last week, guy ran up the thing in 73 minutes which was less than half the time it took us to walk and wasn't actually happy about the time!

Apparently training for Ben Nevis race later this year, here's me hoping I can tackle some baby 5k trail in Lake District next year :D
Let me also just clarify i'm not counting myself as a fell runner :p As you say, those guys are insanely fit and the way them move across unpredictable ground is crazy.

One thing i have noticed is how much my fitness seems to have improved from running as regular as i have this month, even when i've started with heavy legs they've loosened up within a mile and then felt normal again.

According to Strava I've recorded 17 activities this month

2 Walks
12 Runs
3 Bike Rides
5 Rest Days

The rest days were grouped around early month laziness on the 1st, 5th, 6th, 8th and 15th. So really in the last 13th days i've only had 1 day off completely and on 2 days had both a bike ride and a run. Nothing has been too brutal and i've been trying to change from long runs surrounded by lots of nothing to lots of regular shorter/easier activities, with the longest run being around 6.5 miles so far.

I'm hoping that next month i can push on a little and increase volume whilst keeping to 5/6 activities a week. May be tricky though since i'm in Spain for 11 days and as much as i tell myself otherwise i will spend a lot of time drinking :D
Yeah, since March my running has been way too on and off, need to get back on that pogo stick and keep it regular. Due to some commitments, I can't do the September event I was planning on so without anything to train for, I just kinda lost motivation.

Also actually thinking of going back to the gym so will have to find a way to balance both.

Think I need to sign myself up to some kind of a "baby" 5k trail event in Lake District since I'm there at least once a month and then I'll have an actual target in mind.
Is Strava the goto (free) PC based app for viewing stats, fit files ?

I'm currently using a dedicated Suunto sports watch, and since the demise of their excellent Movescount App, have been trying out
I want to get the data onto a decent sized monitor on a PC, still looking for something better though.
I use watch for running and swim lap counting, like below (sportrack, quantified, V movecount)



cross posting on sleep monitoring fail V
I want this to be part of a new watch, so I could monitor rem sleep etc
but, yes, they are not yet accurate versus psg with an electrode on your head
a 2020 techincal paper, 50% accurate for rem sleep, but ok to detect when you are asleep.


Anyone seen these?

Got targeted on an ad for these and thought they looked interesting. I’ve only done around 200k in my current shoes but these may be an option to try in a few months.

Adidas 4DFWD

ONLY :eek:

Guess it's similar technology to the ON trainers. I do wonder if they're all like that inside the sole though and it's just the "trend" to expose it.
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