Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Ironman is something I may never attempt. I'm just not a good never mind a fast swimmer and would leave the pool frustreated and fed up more than likely. So hats off, a great time in my opinion :)

I completed the Lakeland 50 this weekend. Officially an ultra runner! Set off 11.30 ish on the Saturday and finshed around 3.40am on the Sunday morning. I did what I wanted which was to finish. Overall time was 16hrs 10mins, just over the cut off for being eligible to enter the 100. I wouldn't be rushing to do the 100 next year anyway but would have been nice to have had that in the back pocket. There was a 15/20 min queue into the first checkpoint which was a bit of a bummer.

That stop was very much needed though, it was so hot and so humid and the route bwtween checkpoint 1 & 2 is something else. Only 9.4 miles but 2510ft of ascent. Not something you could do with half a litre of water so glad I waiting for a top up had inside info about carrying enough food to checkpoint 2. I had a small grumble when I got there, thought maybe I'd not make the whole distance but filled up on food and water and was happy the rest of the way like I'd started over. I believe a lot of people dropped out at that point though. I rememebr a guy from Turkey who is used to temperatures in the 40s complaining the heat was hell :D

The rest of the checkpoints are closer together and while the overall course came out at 49.3 miles and 9564ft of climbing I didn't find it too troubling. I did spend some time with a 100 runner who flaked out and got them moving again, I was close to the next checkpoint so gave them his number so they could track him. I fell over once in the dark, gave my spare headtorch away to someone whose batter had run out only for my other to die on me on Jacobs Ladder towards the end. Most of the route is pretty tough on the feet though, like running on lego in places.

Overall, really chuffed with my result. I already know where I could improve and go better. Especailly when the fastest was just under 8 hours! I came home with no blisters, no chafing, no pain and thoroughly enjoyed it.

The whole event was amazingly well organised. So much support, beer flowing in the marquee, checkpoints dishing out all manor of support and food, and every runner was friendly and supportive. Camping and transport to the start (for 50 runners) is all included in the fee and you get a decent little goodybag, t-shirt and medal as you expect from any race these days. Felt like a huge community. The views along the way were stunning too, as you would expect from the Lake district.

Won't be doing it next year, new baby in 2 weeks so training volume won't be possible and I don't want to return slower. I may volunteer instead just to take in the atmosphere and they give you a place in the following years event if you would like one.
Great work again. Good to get your thoughts. Is it pretty much all on trail/paths? I've mentioned it before but one thing i dislike about a lot of UK races is that they go over fields which can often resemble bogs which just massively sap your legs. Give me a proper trail any day even if it's hard. Surprised to hear you mention it feeling like Lego though, i have the same trainers have have always thought they insulated against the terrain pretty well.

A woman in my running club won the V50 womens award so that's hugely impressive.

Off for my run now, luckily just at the right time for a huge downpour :(
Top work , the heat is horrible give me rain and wind when running any day of the week.

Swimming for a Ironman is not to bad just pick a pace that is easy and just plod along, you can't win with a swim but you can lose it by burning precious energy.
I'm similar to Dup in that i'm rubbish at swimming, maybe i could get better with effort but i don't think i've ever really enjoyed it enough to pursue it.

My run last night went on a little longer than intended. I had seen some other people do an 11.5 mile stretch to hit the required number of bridges, i decided to start 3 miles further back from them as it's closer to my house, my theory being that it's better to spend the time running than in a 10 minute car journey and i'll be able to turn around earlier.

Nope, seems they had planned their start point very cleverly and it was absolutely loaded with bridges in their last mile so i ended up doing most of their route, plus my 3 miles. I was moving well for the first part but i think mentally i then broke a little when i turned and realised i had to do it all again/
Hadn't really taken enough water/fuel with me either so struggled badly. Luckily theirs an ice cream parlour around mile 20 (Fredericks - It's semi-famous), i was actually on track to beat my previous marathon record (which was a slow 4:54 i think), however i decided that didn't matter and spent 10 minutes queueing for an ice cream instead. Then another 10 minutes walking very slowly whilst i ate it!

More poor planning reared it's head as it turned almost pitch blackaround 9:45 and i had just over another hour to go!

Feeling rubbish this morning, not getting home till gone 11, then showering and forcing some food down before trying to stretch a little before watching some tv before bed meant i've had around 6hrs sleep and feel stiff from a lack of movement post run.
I had a bit of a fun running weekend.

I entered a trail Marathon on Saturday which was pretty hilly (1000m of elevation gain) and also 27 miles. I finished in 4:23, but oddly felt pretty fresh after, I've felt worse after some half's. Then on Sunday I had a 10k which just happened to land on the day after the marathon due to it being rescheduled after I'd entered the Marathon. I though I'd go along and see how I'd get on even if I had to walk around. I have no idea how, but I got around in 42:30, which was only 2:15 slower my 10k pb!

My wife got a PB at Parkrun on Saturday, then a pb in the 10k on Sunday too.

Running and your body is crazy sometimes.
That's a cracking time for both your marathon and your 10k. Great work.

I've had a weird knee issue recently on my left knee. It's been absolutely fine during a run but then when walking it can cause some discomfort and buckling feeling. I went for a run today and it hurt on the run after ~1.5miles so i stopped to walk and then ran home with no problem at all. Have booked in for a sports massage to see if it might be linked to some tightness elsewhere as a first port of call.

I think partly it's through poor training. I've had a lot of weeks recently where i've done very few runs and then suddenly done a very long run without the build up prior to it. I really need to get back into a routine of getting out 4/5 times a week.

Great times.

Still waiting for my blisters to heal after outlaw before I hit the running shoes again. It's nice not training for a while but getting frustrating now.
Hope the blister goes soon. I’ve been blister free for probably years now and then about a week ago one randomly showed up between my big toe and the next toe. Must have pinched it slightly or my sock twisted maybe.

Thankfully it’s healed real quickly and wasn’t too bothersome.

Got 9 weeks left now till London marathon. Trainings been really good with the only set back a week of self isolation. Will hit 1k miles for the year this week so on track for my most miles in a year too

Need to get my hotel booked for London this week, saw something about having to pick up runner packs by 5pm on the Saturday so need to plan that in too.
After a bit of advice, and it's possibly the wrong time to be buying with winter coming, but are there any go to recommendations for treadmills in certain budget ranges? Will be for my wife to run on in the evenings in the winter when she's not with her club, or any recommendations of what ones to look for second hand?
After a bit of advice, and it's possibly the wrong time to be buying with winter coming, but are there any go to recommendations for treadmills in certain budget ranges? Will be for my wife to run on in the evenings in the winter when she's not with her club, or any recommendations of what ones to look for second hand?

From my very brief research I did a while back, you have to spend a fair bit to get a treadmill worth having. This is what I was looking at when planning on kitting out my home gym:-

From what I understand the motor power and the deck size are the important aspects. Some are also 'commercial', in which case they're deemed to be tougher etc. But I realised I get super bored running on a treadmill so I'm still weighing it up.
I agree. Maybe look for refurbed ex gym units? Can’t suggest any specific models though.

My virtual challenge this month is 100 miles. In theory it’s pretty easy. I probably hit it in 9 of the 12 months in 2020 with a few months around the 150 mark.

This year however my best is around 70! I was excited to try and nail some consistent running l, although yesterday was the 8th and I’d done a whopping 6 miles in total.

Got 5 done yesterday and just done another 6. The aim is to try and do most days hitting 4-6 miles. Mainly to try and build in a routine of regularity that will hopefully continue inwards.
I'd looked recently for treadmills but lost interested at the amount of garbage I was coming across! Ex gym sounds sensible provided it's not really old/high usage.

Consistency makes a big difference, it can be a struggle getting there but once there as long as you can stay motivated/interested it's not so bad maintaining. I'm between 40-50 miles a week now since about April, was between 10 and 40 before that, the dips down to lack of motivation/goal. Training is hitting the peak now before tapering down for October.

Got my hotel finally booked for London marathon so that's no longer on my mind, just need to sort logistics out for the Saturday so we can drop off the kids at my parents, train into London and get registered at the excel centre before 5pm, annoyed they don't give that detail out direct, it's hidden away in their "The running show" site.

Going to be near Hyde park so hopefully getting to Greenwich for the start isn't too bad, don't know what time I have to be there for yet as they've not release that info yet, and "in theory" will walk back to the hotel from the finish line to try and stretch out the legs so they don't completely seize up!

On a related note, anyone with a Garmin watch successfully got the "LiveTrack" to work specifically linked into Strava beacon? I've connected the apps, authorised everything it prompts for but when taking my phone with me my watch always reports that LiveTrack has failed with no other information. Was hoping to use it on the race day for family so they can track how I'm doing and my wife knows when her boredom of waiting for me to finish is almost over!
I'd looked recently for treadmills but lost interested at the amount of garbage I was coming across! Ex gym sounds sensible provided it's not really old/high usage.

Consistency makes a big difference, it can be a struggle getting there but once there as long as you can stay motivated/interested it's not so bad maintaining. I'm between 40-50 miles a week now since about April, was between 10 and 40 before that, the dips down to lack of motivation/goal. Training is hitting the peak now before tapering down for October.

Got my hotel finally booked for London marathon so that's no longer on my mind, just need to sort logistics out for the Saturday so we can drop off the kids at my parents, train into London and get registered at the excel centre before 5pm, annoyed they don't give that detail out direct, it's hidden away in their "The running show" site.

Going to be near Hyde park so hopefully getting to Greenwich for the start isn't too bad, don't know what time I have to be there for yet as they've not release that info yet, and "in theory" will walk back to the hotel from the finish line to try and stretch out the legs so they don't completely seize up!

On a related note, anyone with a Garmin watch successfully got the "LiveTrack" to work specifically linked into Strava beacon? I've connected the apps, authorised everything it prompts for but when taking my phone with me my watch always reports that LiveTrack has failed with no other information. Was hoping to use it on the race day for family so they can track how I'm doing and my wife knows when her boredom of waiting for me to finish is almost over!

I set it up and then my wife got bombarded with emails every time I went for a run so I turned it off again.

Does your wife get any emails from it?
I'll be heading out at dinner so i'll re-activate it again and see if it works. I'll admit that my initial trial was just sat on a sofa so i never actually tested the tracking side of things.
It's a shame you're no longer allowed to post them in the GD thread, would've been good to see the abuse you'd have received!

My feet seem to have shifted so that no trainers feel comfy anymore. On my left foot on the arch (high arches), i feel like i can always feel the join of material digging into my arch.
I never used to notice it but the last 3 pairs of trainers i've owned i've noticed it now. It's annoying!
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