My first game landed, got in one of those shed things, only had a machete, then spent what must have been almost a minute of frantically hacking and quickly shutting the door from a guy with a pistol trying to finishing me off; if just his aim was a tiny bit worse I could have got him.They've posted on their twitter saying they're having issues with the login servers. I'd just had my first game too. Landed, walked into a house, picked up a bow, got shot in the back.
Yes, can not get on t the minute.
Had an epic moment last night, sniping from a rooftop with my getaway car stashed. Killed one who was getting shot in the back whilst running to my building from someone further behind him. I then took a few potato shots at the other guy, who returned fire damaging me hard. After he didn't repeek I decided to get to my Dacia. I get outside, as I turn the corner, finger ready on "F" to enter *splat, he is in my car and driving off. I had so little health the mearest touch from the car as he took off killed me.
Amazing game.
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