i really don't expect this game to be hitting double the current fps by november. i'm happy with the gameplay, i'm just tired of laziness or developers getting in over their heads. a game that looks like this and supposedly was going to be released as a final release this month running this badly i just hope they keep working on it and don't focus on milking micro transactions from now on in.
Apologies I did not realise they were cutting it this fine with the release. I too, if I had purchased higher-end components, especially if specifically to play this, would be rather concerned that they weren't going to be able/bother to get the FPS issues sorted in time for formal release. said do proper actual benchmarks.not see a figure in corner and say i get 120 fps.benchies i done are one minute runs 3 times in a normal game.done it with 1060/1070/1080/1080ti as late as last weeks build.

show min, max and avg fps. the funny thing is go on youtube you will see many videos with the cards you mention and you can see the fps being got.cpu can have a big effect on this aswell.generally intel and nvidia is the best combo.for pubg.

if you want do 1080 res all lowest then do 1080 all ultra (to see the performance difference ).do 3 runs (60 seconds long) with min,max,avg fps with can get fraps for free just to do benchmarks.
Aside from the fact that you can't really benchmark this game as there's no repeatable scenarios...

People with different setups will get different performance, as with any game, shock horror. Rather than everyone getting emotional because person X says they get Y frames with Z hardware, how about just getting on with life?
They still need to fix the gun at windows issue.

A few times i have died at a house window now die to the gun suddenly deciding to flick upwards :/
Looks like they rolled out the patch earlier than normal,. got a 5GB download.

Yeah, and it looks like there are some issues with voice chat.

The game also seems to be defaulting to Asian servers too.

NOTE: They have forced post processing to high to fix the bug where you could see through the fog. This will mean you get lower FPS for now, this is a temp fix.
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Yeah, and it looks like there are some issues with voice chat and post processing is forced to fix the bug where you could see through the fog.

Also seems its defaulting to Asian servers too.

Can't play properly until tomorrow night so gives them chance to iron stuff out. :)

Glad they've forced on shadows for everyone regardless of settings/distance/etc, actual means I can use that shade to hide without wondering if anyones settings leave me visible :D
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