epic first and foremost are going to support UE and want more developers to use/work on it (and they should, it's amazing) so they wont want this to get messy.

That being said, bluehole need a better management team, they come across as total amateurs.

They have the foundation of an amazing game but let's not get overexcited, it's got a long way to go.
Played for about 3 hours, both squad play. First game came in the top 10-20. Second game found a good squad, mostly Russians who spoke English and we came 5th. I think we would had won, but we got flanked from behind and from side and got rolled up pretty quickly. Got my first kill with them with a VSS, that felt good.

After using the guns, they not as accurate as they looked when watching others play, that shocked me.
The game for me is very different to what it looks like on YouTube. They’re running around freely, winning every engagement at silly ranges, pinpointing enemies by sound easily.

Half the time I can’t even win a one on one even when I have the advantage of the first shot or when I camp a chokepoint. I can’t hit much at range after the first shot and haven’t got the hang of the constant peeking and moving when in cover.

Some of it is no doubt skill but I suspect they also have the luxury of editing out all the bad decisions/unlucky deaths.
Found a other good team, we came second, had an awesome moment of killing two guys when this enemy team tired to attack us by this river, they jumped out their buggy and started to fire.

We returned fire and then in a blind spot, I rushed forward behind this rock and shot out of it, that pushed them back behind their buggy, so I pushed forward and shot one on the ground and the second guy trying to revive the third guy.

Few other nice moments in the game.

Think I will do well in the game, just wish I could get more FPS out my PC.

But what is the fragging hell is up with all the CHINESE in the EU servers? Jesus Christ. I don't think I played with anyone who wasn't Chinese or Russian.

I might as well switch to the Asia server, least I get a chance to play with the Japanese.
I really think they should introduce a minimum single shot rate on all the weapons. I got mown down by a p1911 which sounded like an automatic. First time I've come across something like that, could only have been a macro. Was on laptop not pc so didn't capture on shadow play unfortunately.
haha nothing worse than getting screwed by the final circle.just had a really good game of singles.on 8 kills all kitted up circle jumps to most random spot :(
Picked this up yesterday. Christ its addictive already.

Learning curve is pretty steep, but I've just managed my first top 10.

getting far in the game doesn't reward you highly as kills and getting far does.

your rewarded for aggressive play in terms of points. if you want wins then yeah play passively. i have switched from passive to aggressive as it's more fun.
Personally, don't think the learning curve in this game is steep or anything, just run to the white circle when needed, run away from the blue circle of death.

If playing to win, drop away from others and survive till the last moments, shoot people when you can. Shooting is really no different then any other game.

That said, I think the game is based upon luck more then skill, I had games where I couldn't any weapon, 6 minutes into the game running around without anything. :l

One of my favourite games was a few hours ago in the military base. Playing squad with 2 other guys dead, me and this other guy who didn't use his mic but we stayed close and worked pretty well together, was shooting these two enemy teams as they ran over a open grass field, I only had a red dot sight, so the range was really far, but I managed to drop a few people, could had killed more if I had a longer scope.

Came 3rd, we only died because the stupid blue circle caught us as I was busy reviving the other guy.
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