Just go in the pubg options and there's an "enable nvidia shadowplay death capture" option. Turn that on.
Alt+Z when in a game with overlay, turn default shadowplay time to 20 minutes (unless you DO only want the last 5) and job done.

It'll ask you if you want to post it (to nvidia experience linked youtube/facebook) after each death, alt+Z and "save replay" at that point.
Thx for details, cheers
The game is a lot more fun being aggressive & a lot more rewarding when you win playing like that...... I've had some amazing games the past couple weeks with some of the lads on discord who play like..... Best tatic for 4 man squad games it keep a nice spread out line so you can get different angles on other players.
The game is a lot more fun being aggressive & a lot more rewarding when you win playing like that...... I've had some amazing games the past couple weeks with some of the lads on discord who play like..... Best tatic for 4 man squad games it keep a nice spread out line so you can get different angles on other players.

I definitely agree man. You can play aggressive and have fun going for kills, you may die but at least there's some action involved. Nothing worse than not seeing any players and constantly running to the circle for 20 minutes only to die from someone you didn't see haha
The game is a lot more fun being aggressive & a lot more rewarding when you win playing like that...... I've had some amazing games the past couple weeks with some of the lads on discord who play like..... Best tatic for 4 man squad games it keep a nice spread out line so you can get different angles on other players.

Nowt better than dropping in Pochinki grabbing a gun and going for a hunt.
The game is a lot more fun being aggressive & a lot more rewarding when you win playing like that...... I've had some amazing games the past couple weeks with some of the lads on discord who play like..... Best tatic for 4 man squad games it keep a nice spread out line so you can get different angles on other players.

The game we had the other night which started in Novo and finished at the radio tower was pure brilliance! My best chicken dinner by far!
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Aside from killing players being the most effective way to get loot, the mindset of being on the attack helps a lot - you decide when/where the shooting will start instead of hiding in a bush or behind a door and hoping for the best.

The streamer Chocotaco drops in and out of the #1 slot for FPP wins on North America and he is really aggressive in the opening stages. He always jumps into a hotspot, counts the parachutes going in with him and starts hunting them all down as soon as he has anything better than a pistol. He even gets away with driving or running around the final circles because most players are either too afraid to stand up and shoot at him or just can't see him in FPP because they are hiding.

Being timid will get you to the top 10 but you'll get wrecked when the shooting starts by people who have far more experience with moving aggressively and shooting. Just don't be too dumb with being aggressive. Shooting at a squad a few hundred metres away that you have no hope of wiping and will pin you down when the circle closes in = :(
Tally for last night: P1 W1. EU solo and 6 kills.

I really am learning the benefit of being more aggressive in this game. I used to be quite timid and pootle stealthily around the map but now I am coming to realise that killing your enemies is entirely proportional to finishing higher in the game.

A full equipped M416 is now my favourite weapon by far.


the game also rewards aggressive play more. it's a fine balance. however sometimes going full on aggression can be good too. i've won games from just going straight into the middle of the circle then killing anyone who approaches me from any direction.
Just had a great game, came 2nd. Missed one of the guys to the left of me whilst running from the blue.

Que shouting from my mate, who'd died before me. Some people can't understand it's a game. I mean I like winning, but c'mon.
I swear to god this is the clunkiest FPS ever designed. And I see they "patched in" ruining the matchmaking.
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