What is it with the Chinese mentality anyway? Balls to any copyrights, balls to playing fair. Infact screw everyone and anything. Worse than Russians.
Artillery doesn't seem any louder than it was before. Just a much better sound.
are you just posting the most trollish thing you can think of now? I know some of your posts about the game have been a bit out there, but hey everyone is entitled to their opinion but this one just flies in the face of reality. no opinion/subjectivity involved in this one, the sound of the arty is quite simply a hell of a lot louder than previously.
if you genuinely think it doesn't I would strongly suggest you seek the assistance of a medical practitioner forth-with as I suspect you are either suffering hearing problems or perhaps, given the nature of some of your previous posts something much more sinister may be at work here!
had a fun win me vs last guy i got a kar and in circle head shot :D so nice when the kar works well :p
Thats what 'exclusive' means.
Not how I read it. It means that only Tenecent will be the PUBG operator in China - they will be the exclusive provider. Won't stop people there using VPNs to play over on these servers if they so desire, as they currently are, will it?

Can't say I care if they do either! I'm not sure where all the China hate comes from in this thread - people seem to assume an awful lot just from a player's name.
There are a large amount of Chinese hackers, and Chinese people who TK if you randomly squad with them. However I don't believe this is a characteristic - ratio-wise I believe there are the same amount of nobbers from China as there is EU; there's just a lot more Chinese people playing, so you have a higher chance of encountering them.

However I think the issue may reduce when Tenecent are set up; Asian players are not using VPNs to play in NA or EU servers. They are just simply selecting EU. I don't think it would be worth their time using a VPN to play in other servers.
When they start using Tencent it will not be possible to join any other region, their version of PUBG will not be run on steam anymore.
They will have their own Chinese client, Chinese version of PUBG, Chinese anti-cheat and Chinese servers to which they are locked.
Won't stop people there using VPNs to play over on these servers if they so desire, as they currently are, will it?

Most of the chinese hackers use centrally developed hacks. Those developers are not going to bother for the .01% of players determined to stay on PUBG. Theres just no money in it. Plus the government would not look kindly on anything that encouraged circumventing state internet controls. Rejoice! This is the end of chinese hacking altogether. Not that I ever saw any but meh, I dont play a whole hell of a lot.

On another hacking related note, Killcam is amazing! Totally raged over someone I was suppressing getting a jumping headshot from 200m when it turned out to be another guy sneaking up on me from behind. Being able to see how you died is a real leap forward in enjoyment.
are you just posting the most trollish thing you can think of now? I know some of your posts about the game have been a bit out there, but hey everyone is entitled to their opinion but this one just flies in the face of reality. no opinion/subjectivity involved in this one, the sound of the arty is quite simply a hell of a lot louder than previously.
if you genuinely think it doesn't I would strongly suggest you seek the assistance of a medical practitioner forth-with as I suspect you are either suffering hearing problems or perhaps, given the nature of some of your previous posts something much more sinister may be at work here!

With volume normalization of course. If you don't use that in PUBG, well, sucks to be you.

You sound like a Trumpster.

You obviously don't know anything about China if you don't think he speaks the truth. That is a country who put plaster in baby milk to artificially raise the protein level to save money and killed dozens of babies. A country where they strain frying grease out of the literal sewers and reuse it to cook food. As if 98% of all cheaters coming from China wasn't telling enough. Never understood those in the West that think China is such an amazing place. :rolleyes:
Well I just had a strange game, I was playing 3rd person with about 40 left with a scar and M16. I stopped to heal and the screen went black for a second and I was in first person with 14 left in a totally different place on the map and in the blue stuff, stopped to heal and got popped. The mind boggles.
You obviously don't know anything about China if you don't think he speaks the truth. That is a country who put plaster in baby milk to artificially raise the protein level to save money and killed dozens of babies. A country where they strain frying grease out of the literal sewers and reuse it to cook food. As if 98% of all cheaters coming from China wasn't telling enough. Never understood those in the West that think China is such an amazing place. :rolleyes:

Yes, because a nation of 1.4 billion people living in country the size of Europe can be boiled down to what you saw on Youtube :rolleyes:
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