28 Mar 2007
Right I'm officially crap at this game.

I pretty much only play FPP now and keep doing stupid things. Like I'll get down to the last 15/20 each game, generally by trying to loot up early then camp/stealth it at close to edges of circle. Then I'll get a totally stupid rush of blood to the heed, for no reason "I'll just nip over there it looks a bit better" then boom, two shots to the head as I'm legging it. Idiot.
10 Apr 2012
Right I'm officially crap at this game.

I pretty much only play FPP now and keep doing stupid things. Like I'll get down to the last 15/20 each game, generally by trying to loot up early then camp/stealth it at close to edges of circle. Then I'll get a totally stupid rush of blood to the heed, for no reason "I'll just nip over there it looks a bit better" then boom, two shots to the head as I'm legging it. Idiot.

I think one of the biggest traps for people is taking every fight. Which is a trap I fall into, have you ever just shot at somebody because you have a sniper or a 4/8x on your AR and think you can do it? Then all of a sudden you have half the map trying to flank you and you get ignorant at that fact and become engrossed on finishing the dudes teammate or making up for the shot you missed on him from a football pitch away? Then boom you and/or your partner/squad are taking shots from 3 angles and you all die...

That is a huge trap that'll get people killed as often as what you mentioned. It's a bad habit, and it's one I own along with what you mentioned LOL :D

Camping and stalking are definitely the tactics the consistent winners use, outside of aimbots, speedhacks and macros of course. It's misleading when you watch the highly skilled players like Lirik, Summit, Trick2g etc. nailing crossmap shots, looting the corpse and flying onwards, in reality that's a strategy only the best can incorporate. Ever been done in from behind out of nowhere and got the feeling the dude(s) were following you for ages waiting to spring a trap?

I'll admit, this game is epic for stuff like that, I've started avoiding random fights at very long ranges and started stalking teams a lot more and have been getting good results. Not camped yet though, can't bring myself to do it even though it's the smart play.
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1 Jun 2006
Right I'm officially crap at this game.

I pretty much only play FPP now and keep doing stupid things. Like I'll get down to the last 15/20 each game, generally by trying to loot up early then camp/stealth it at close to edges of circle. Then I'll get a totally stupid rush of blood to the heed, for no reason "I'll just nip over there it looks a bit better" then boom, two shots to the head as I'm legging it. Idiot.

the key things people need to learn at the start and even after playing a while is

1.when to move to new area and when wave is coming in.too many people leave it too late.also dont take battles on when eithr in blue or its just going to hit.unless obviously you have to.why get that one kill when you will die yourself ?
2.learn which guns work with you ! one of the key elements.not every gun suits everyone.
3.only get the loot you need.then point having 300 5.56 when you will realistically only use 100 tops.many people spend too long looting. out which areas to move to and pick two spots.have a quick work out if the circle goes both ways which is easier to have cover and get away from.
5.if in squads and taking it serious play with decent point if you are taking it serious playing with bad will spend most of your time dying to their mistakes or..picking them up.if its just for fun fair enough.or do like i do play squads and 3 man for fun only and singles and duos seriously.

this season i really been trying in singles and duos.once you get up there though you have to place top ten literally every game or drop.

not doing bad and still climbing. :D

30 Dec 2013
GPS signal not found. (11)
People who quit out of lobby because the map/weather selection doesn't suit them annoy me just as much. The whole point of the game is to learn to adapt to the situation and survive; hence the RNG of loot, hence the RNG of plate route, hence the RNG of circle path. I was never overly fond of the fog matches, but it really annoyed me when people quit out of them because they couldn't compete as well.
Congratulations, that's the dumbest thing I have read all day.
12 Jan 2004
5 games and come across a wallhacker using grenades and an M16 full auto no recoil. People seem to think they need to cheat to compete now. I needed to play some other stuff anyway ><
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26 May 2006

Still need to snag yourself a solo win in EU this season DG :D

Here is my Solo stats for the season on EU FPP:


I've been really under performing in Duo/Squad though.
10 May 2004
I think one of the biggest traps for people is taking every fight. Which is a trap I fall into, have you ever just shot at somebody because you have a sniper or a 4/8x on your AR and think you can do it? Then all of a sudden you have half the map trying to flank you and you get ignorant at that fact and become engrossed on finishing the dudes teammate or making up for the shot you missed on him from a football pitch away? Then boom you and/or your partner/squad are taking shots from 3 angles and you all die...

That is a huge trap that'll get people killed as often as what you mentioned. It's a bad habit, and it's one I own along with what you mentioned LOL :D

Camping and stalking are definitely the tactics the consistent winners use, outside of aimbots, speedhacks and macros of course. It's misleading when you watch the highly skilled players like Lirik, Summit, Trick2g etc. nailing crossmap shots, looting the corpse and flying onwards, in reality that's a strategy only the best can incorporate. Ever been done in from behind out of nowhere and got the feeling the dude(s) were following you for ages waiting to spring a trap?

I'll admit, this game is epic for stuff like that, I've started avoiding random fights at very long ranges and started stalking teams a lot more and have been getting good results. Not camped yet though, can't bring myself to do it even though it's the smart play.

Definitely my problem. I had a pistol and decided to go after a duo who were fully stocked. I knew I was going to die but there we go. :)
18 Oct 2002
Some interesting info from the official forums (although not an official post):
Some truths about the replay and deathcam

1) They don't show recoil accurately: It looks like the guy uses a no recoil script but in fact it was most likely normal recoil when it was going on in the game. If you want proof, compare your own PoV replays and look at how suddenly you don't have recoil either most of the time.

2) They don't show aiming accurately: Most of the time the reticle is not even on the target and you can see hits connecting. Sometimes the crosshair is even completely looking down or up while shooting and the aim looks like it snaps around. This is not proof of aimbotting

3) That guy is shooting me through the wall!!!: The replay camera doesn't register leaning angles either most of the time. So it looks like the guy is shooting through his cover at the other guy but in reality he was leaning and could shoot through the window. Check your replays carefully for instances of this and pay attention to Line of sight.

4) That door was shut and he shot me through it!: Replay sometimes don't record door state so it doesn't know if it should be open or closed. In this case, replay leaves the door shut.

5) I looked at the replay and there was never a time that that guy could have seen me!!!: Replay doesn't record use of freelook most of the time(if at all). Indeed, when you run in a straight line and use your freelook button to rotate your camera around and look for your dead angles the replay doesn't know that so it looks like you are only running straight and not paying attention to your surroundings so from the replay footage you kinda look like a noob. To verify this, use your own replay and look at the minimap icon of yourself and see your heading arrow, it turns while you were using the freelook button. So when reviewing how that guy can have seen you enter that particular building or peeking that window, check his arrow-header to see if he was looking in your direction at the time.

6) Wow he shot me and I wasn't even there in my own replay!!!: That one is a bitch. I saw firsthand a streamer getting killed through collision by a guy and the replay, deathcam and even shadowplay highlights were showing the same thing. He was safe behind cover. But the guy that killed him uploaded his own clip of what happened and you could see the streamer running like a noob through a rail completely in the open. So what most likely happened here is a problem server-side. The server thought the streamer was running in the open like a noob so the other guy shot him. It sucks true but we can lay that one down to server problems, lag, desync, whatever else.
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