Playing F.E.A.R for the 1st time and in glorious 3440x1440p!

30 Mar 2016
East Lothian
First of all, this game supports ultrawide natively and this game was released in 2005!! Shame on all those developers who don't build this in to their modern games.

So I had 15 year gap between gaming; from around 1997 to 2011 did absolutely none and therefore missed a lot of titles. I've been wiped out by how good this game looks and plays. The AI even of the enemy soldiers is really good, making full use of the area to flank you - it puts the modern call of duty games to shame. And oh ya flipper that scene at the start of the 3rd act as you're going down the ladder!! I got proper chills down the spine. :cool:

What sort of specs did you need to run this game back in the day though? I'm only getting 45FPS with a Fury X!

Here some screenshots of it in all its 3440x1440p glory...




Edit: Ok so that was my first time trying to post screen shots. Tried to use Photobucket but that obviously didn't work. Instructions anyone?
It's one of the only games that I have completed, creeped me out loads of times, brilliantly set game, pity the MP, was so poor.
Tinypic is another one you can use:

I played this yet again the other week and experimented with some great sweetfx profiles (DSR @ 4K / 1600p).





There's also a good youtube channel I recommend which touches on the A.I. in this game. Scroll / look down his page to find the F.E.A.R retrospective video. I would link it directly, but due to swearies, I can't. :)
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Had fear recommended by so many friends back in the day, never got around to trying it though, was too engrossed in WoW to bother with many other games.
Yeah, really enjoying it so far. I couldn't figure out how to map my controller so this is actually the first time I'm playing a game properly with the mouse and keyboard. Got killed a lot for the first hour but getting the feel of it now...
Got 1,2 & 3 plus Extraction Pont and Perseus Mandate for £8.99 of steam the other day! :D What are those last 2, just some extra levels or what?

Both carry on with the story albeit from the perspective of different player characters. In Extraction Point, you resume playing 'Point Man' from the first game, where as in Perseus Mandate you're a Sergeant in a second F.E.A.R. team sent to investigate ATC's dodgy doings. Extraction Point requires the first game to be able to be played, where as Perseus Mandate is a standalone title.

Fear 2 should come with DLC called Reborn, which is actually pretty good. :)
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Still got the X800GTO I played this on back in the day. 400MHz core clocked to 550MHz, 1GHz DDR3 RAM, the settings went pretty high on a 19" crt...

Remember it having the best lighting of any game up to that point, bullet time slightly stolen from max payne. Good tense battles though.
That's it, missus is away till Monday gonna reinstall and have a weekend binge on FEAR, it's those screenshots calling to me :p
I never really cared for the supernatural elements of the game, that really got old for me pretty quickly. Loved the visceral gun play though and I'm sure that game had an awesome stake gun.

Not sure how well it has aged but I remember the AI being pretty damned good for the time, the way they would split up to flank or backtrack to get behind and their voice coms made the standard enemies a lot of fun to fight.
fear was corridor after corridor, didnt rate it much - very repetative. Condemned was better, running around in the dark with nothing but a lead pipe or a shovel to bash the bad guys with. great fun, far more tense.
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this is the game that took me from consoles to pc gaming the only computer game to ever make me jump. the second one is good to still never played the third though
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